CoD: Ghosts

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by turbonerd, October 23, 2013.

  1. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    You gotta give them credit for getting people to pay $60 for a new mappack.
  2. JammySTB

    JammySTB Well-Known Member

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    M0st shooters don't release a new title every single year.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Most titles don't have multiple development teams working on different titles of the same franchise. Even though a CoD game was released late year doesn't mean it's from the same development team.
  4. JammySTB

    JammySTB Well-Known Member

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    Just because two CoD games are developed by different studios, doesn't mean they aren't extremely similar.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Well, yeah. It's a formula that works.
  6. light0

    light0 Member

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    While I don't like console shooters CoD seems to do the best job at a fair bit as well. It doesn't really need to "innovate". It's a pick up and play, solid shooter with little competition in a huge market.
  7. Lockisbetta

    Lockisbetta Member

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    War. War never changes, or does it? :p
    jbeetle likes this.
  8. poiuasd

    poiuasd Well-Known Member

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    From what I've seen it looks like they really cut the time-to-kill a lot in this game. Gotta wonder why.
  9. turbonerd

    turbonerd Member

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    The biggest problems with the game is how fast you die (almost every gun takes 3 shots or less to kill), the maps are too big for 6v6 and don't have much flow, and the spawn system is wonky at times.
  10. light0

    light0 Member

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    I never played the game modes with respawns, they always seemed way too annoying.
  11. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    shows how much I played CoD. I wasn't even aware there was a mode without respawns.
  12. mkrater

    mkrater Uber Alumni

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    Ha! Me neither. :oops: But then again, I've only observed CoD - I don't think I've ever played myself*. But I do like to hop on the mic and "talk" to the other players! :p
    *not a FPS player
  13. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    That only has one game though, I don't see your point.
  14. thebigpill

    thebigpill Well-Known Member

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    I was talking about Super Monday Night Combat, which considering it's in the same universe, has some of the same characters and shares half the name is in the same franchise as Monday Night Combat. One of the reasons a lot of people respected Uber is because they took a chance and tried something new, rather than copy pasting MNC to pc and calling it MNC2. That's the standard to which we should hold other developers, not the other way around - by the lowest common denominator - like DeadStretch did in his post. Yes, sure, the formula works, so why change it? Guess what? The Doom formula worked too, but id software took chances with their next releases. If they hadn't, we would still be playing FPS in 2D with no vertical aiming. Lack of evolution leads to stagnation leads to devolution. Which, considering more than half the FPS games coming out today don't nearly have the same development standards as 10 years ago, has basically already happened.
    JammySTB likes this.
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    But they did copy/paste MNC to PC.
  16. JammySTB

    JammySTB Well-Known Member

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    Pill said "rather than copy pasting MNC to pc and calling it MNC2.". They didn't call it "MNC2". It was a port as opposed to a sequel.
  17. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    All this coming from somebody whos main game is still Quake, a game whos primary innovation past the first game was the refusal to remove a movement bug and some minor balance tweaks.

    Games don't need to be different to be fun, being new works just fine.

    P.S. I was implying SMNC was so bad it never happened.
  18. thebigpill

    thebigpill Well-Known Member

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    1. I started playing Quake last year. So the 'still' doesn't apply
    2. The Quake franchise has had a lot of changes. On paper they look small, but in practice, Q1 and Q3 might as well be in different series. There's a reason some people still play QuakeWorld instead of Quake Live.
    3. Lol'd at the SMNC joke

    edit: let's take it to PM's if you want to discuss it further, because this is getting pretty damn off topic. To get back on topic: lolcod
    Last edited: November 8, 2013
  19. turbonerd

    turbonerd Member

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    I agree with you that it is kind of dumb that many gaming companies refuse to try new things. I also agree that CoD will never become a very good game.But there aren't really many console shooters to choose from. It's either Battlefield 4, Gears of War Judgement, Halo 4 or CoD: Ghosts. Battlefield 4 has a very shitty netcode and it is very frustrating when your shots don't register and let's not forget this game is capped to 30 FPS on console, it also rewards camping more than any other franchise because of how many random bushes and building there are which in turn makes playing the objective infuriating. GoW and Halo used to be a good series but once Judegement and Halo 4 came out it is very apparent that they were trying to emulate CoD and they did a poor job. The thing that used to make GoW + Halo so good was that they actually rewarded a player for how well they could aim, strafe, and jump. That is still a part of those games but now since they implemented killstreaks and create a class it makes the games much more random and the combat is less satisfying. Not to mention they ruined the symmetrical map design that was amazing and replaced it with shitty small clustered maps. CoD is the lesser of evils since even though it has annoying things of its own and at least the series is progressively improving unlike all the other shooters I mentioned which just try to copy CoD mechanics. Once again I'm not saying CoD is an incredible game or anything, but until another original shooter comes out with dedicated servers + a development team that cares I will continue to buy Call of Duty each year. And please refrain from posting about how I should just play shooters on PC because the only popular PC shooter that isn't a bad port out right now is CS: GO which I am not a fan of.
  20. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    If I owned an XBox One or was going to buy one, I'd probably buy this. It would most definitely be one of the most played games on XBox and since playing with friends is of the utmost importance to me, that'd be reason enough.

    That being said, I won't buy it on PC because there are so many other things to do, to mod, to everything, so I just don't have the interest.

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