I'm wondering if it's possible to create a mod that infinitely queues build orders? Specifically, what I want to do is create 1 scout, then create two fighters, then create 1 bomber, ad infinitum. So it infinitely loops the entire queue.
Have you checked the mods that have been released? Our buddy colon colin has released mod batch. Shift click goes from 5 units to 100, but can easily be changed to 1000 or whatever you wish. I believe tatsjub has also released a similar mod. But not sure the difference off the top of my head.
Yes.. That's not what I'm asking for. I want a force to consist of 3 fighters for each bomber. I want the units tumbling off the production line to always be in the ratio of whatever they are in the production queue.
Yeah the beest way to do that atm is have 4 air factories where 3 build fighters and the other builds bombers.
My humble suggestion until this gets added which will give you roughly the right proportions: Build 3 basic air factories Assign 2 of them to build fighters (180 metal each) Assign 1 of them to build bombers (270 metal each) ???????????????????? Profit
Correct Which is why this is a mod request, as that takes 4 times more economy to achieve the same result as something which was present in an RTS game from 10 years ago.
It's actually stupidly easy to implement in any game. Action complete -> Re-queue [reset/recreate] action at end of queue. It's just one of those small features they haven't gotten around to yet. Not sure if this kind of functionality is exposed to modding yet.
So I tried and I didnt really succeed, but here is the best imitation of an endless queue I can mod: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-hotbuild-55493.50260/page-2#post-818346