Only as an educational and cautionary tale of what happens with good intentions but a flawed premise.
Yes, I like the Holkins and Catapults because they're bigger and better. But I never said that it would make pelters obsolescent. They're cheaper and easier to build, like T1 units are cheaper and easier to build than T2 units. T2 being better doesn't mean that you don't have a choice. I can still rush someone with T1 units that techs up to T2, and most of the time the T1 units will win because of something called a timing push. Yes, T1 pgens and mexes may be obsolescent in the later game. But they're not really units. And as long as no actual "units" become obsolescent, then I won't have a problem.
No, you don't. If you have the time and resources, build a Hopkins; it's better in practically every way than a Pelter. Rate of fire is it's only downside, and its range, damage, accuracy and AOE are all significantly better than the Pelter... and it's at less risk, since it can be built further away. That's not a choice Arachnis, that's a calculation... and it's not even a very hard calculation.
Yeah if you have the time and ressources. That's a strange premise. Because this is a makro-RTS game, where it's about how you spend your time and ressources and in which way. Building a Holkins means that you neglected building many pelters, or many factories, or many pgens or mexes. It's a choice you have to make. And that's what you don't understand. You talk with the premise that everyone has infinite ressources, which is just against the basic mechanics of this game.
[You edited your post there] The age-old 'move the goalposts' strategy eh? If bmb was here, he'd be proud. Calling Mexes and PGens 'non-units' is just you trying to desperately claw your way out of a hole you dug yourself. Don't try to change this into a war over semantics... it's boring.
It seems like the problem in the original post is, that eventualy the game turns into who has the most factories. And therefor has less strategic depth. Adding T3 will not solve anything. A factory complex eventhough it is a nice idea. It makes it harder for beginning players and it will most likely have a optimal build. Therefor I think it will not add that much strategic depth. Also building structures in a certain pattern, this is micro and not the goal of the game. A sollution to spamming could be to make defences stonger, so that more units will be less valueable. Bases would get stonger and the game will reach a stalemate. This would make going for orbital, nukes and astroids and other game changers a good strategic choice.
Sorry but if you guys think that Factory Complexes would create "optimal builds" then you have no clue how makro-RTS games work. It's not so much about what you build, but when and in which order you build it.
Yeah but it's exactly what creates strategic depth. I know you will disagree, but that's why I think that you don't understand it.
If you want to talk about Starcraft 2, then yes I think it is. You probably don't have a clue on how the metagame evolved in that game. Starcraft Broodwar is a bit before my time.
Simply saying that doesn't make it true. Btw can we get any more off-topic? Is there a mod here? If yes then I'd welcome it if all non-topic related posts would get deleted.
How does this factory complex solve the problem you asked in the op? You pretty much said you don't want to build more of the same units because it is boring. So you came up with an idea to upgrade buildings that produces these same units quicker? ...or did I read this wrong?