Does anyone know how to rebind the power control buttons? I can't find it in keyboard settings. It's modded in the hotbuild mod, but I don't like the rest of the hotkeys in that mod. I'm also wondering if it's possible to make the hotkeys "smarter". For example, binding advanced mex and regular mex to the same key. When you select a mixed group of fabbers, it gives you the buildings that the advanced ones can build. You hit Q, everyone goes and builds an Hoskins. You hit tab, it cycles to the buildings buildable by the basic fabbers, you hit Q, it builds a fabber. Kind of like how some strategy games map function positions to hotkeys.. So hitting Q when a factory was selected woul always build fabbers, hitting W would build scouts/stingers, hitting E would build dox/spinners, hitting R would build whatever is in position 4.
Have you tried cola colons hot build mod? This has everything you want. And is quite easy to reassign to your liking too. Edit: haha cola colon. I'm sticking with it.
Lol. Hm... I'll give the mod a go - I was put off by the fact that it appeared to unbind *everything* Ok. Take rise of nations. If you hit C, it selects your city. If you hit V, it builds the first type of unit available at that city. If you select your barracks, hitting v builds the first type of unit available. Hitting b builds the second, hitting n the third. If we have a hundred available units over 10 factories, it is going to be impossible to bind a relevant key to them all. But you could bind q through p to the first through 10th type of unit available, use tab to cycle through factory types, and build stuff. You could do the same with fabbers as well. b changes build tab, tab changes the type of fabber selected. It's more of a UI change than what's currently implemented.
Well at the minute colas has pretty much all commands that are needed. However as he has Sao he may need to change it a little and maybe add more as more units are used and added. But he has all the basic stuff you mentioned.
It doesnt unbind anything by itself, it only provides a default mapping that conflicts pretty heavily with the default maps. So when you install it you need to rebind stuff by yourself or change hotbuild.
Yeah... I installed it regularly, but it seemed to be overwriting any command changes I made (then again I didn't really play around with it much - just did cheap and nasty commenting fix) Yes that is true. The thing is it's a fundamental issue with the UI. If I have a bot factory selected, I don't want to build ants or metal extractors, so I may as well use the same hotkey. But that keybind seems to conflict so it doesn't do anything.
... wow. Ok. I didn't understand. Looks like I'm moving my commenting. Have you figured out what roaming/maneuvering and holding position do?
Yeah as Colin mentioned, you need to unbind some of the keys in game first so hot build works as it should. Off the top of my head, disable, qwerty,asdf,xcv. Yeah they do nothing as of yet.
I wasn't using the mod - it conflicts in vanilla if you assign it to the same command. I am so confused.
Oh yeah. Well I tried it, but I really hated the hotkeys, so I just commented out everything. Now I've changed it, but I'm trying to remap the hotkeys in the mod. But I'm starting from the vanilla mod, and it doesn't seem to be working :/