It's time to talk unit ideas

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by neutrino, September 30, 2013.

  1. slywynsam

    slywynsam Active Member

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    Actually if you want the game to be fun for most people instead of "USE WHATEVER IS OP THIS WEEK" you kind of want the game balanced.

    Creating even more problems isn't going to get rid of the ones that already exist.
  2. mafoon

    mafoon Member

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    I'd like to see swarm units too, you know like replicators from from Stargate that could be fun (but obviously not them exactly cos copyright, more like the grey goo apocalypse theory), you just get a cloud of tiny robots that you move around and as it deals it's melee damage (to units, and structures; it leaves no wrecks in it's wake) it grows and as it takes damage it shrinks shedding the destroyed bots from the cloud. It would be ground based but not hindered by impassable terrain simply roll over units and mountains alike. It would be a powerful unit and do damage proportional to it's gathered mass but also require power to run (you can turn it off to save power when not needed, i just sinks down into a heap but requires a kick cost on top of it's run cost energy to start up again) you may find that it gains so much mass it simple shuts down when it depletes all your energy reserves and won't start up again until you can afford the energy. While powered down it will take greatly increased damage as the bot swarms replicating systems are powered off.

    Definitely a late game unit, a non standard design mega-bot. Counters are to do huge amounts of damage to break it down to nothing or over feed it so it shuts down and you can kill it before the other player has the energy to reboot it, then salvage all the metal he's just dumped at your door step. Using this bot can be dangerous as it could leave all your turrets powered down and stall your economy because it's been too greedy with your energy reserves.

    If you make the swarm bender shaped it can also be countered by ugly pictures of your Momma
    Last edited: November 2, 2013
    piquedram likes this.
  3. ascythian

    ascythian Member

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  4. verybad

    verybad Active Member

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    This thing does not make ANY sense (gas planets == best for mass -> I loled)
    The last thing we need IMHO is even more artillery warfare.
    pack of X new units for space battles is IMHO unnecessary. Even if it'd ever be planned - it should me more of a separate expansion pack as it'd require dozens of balance tweaks. Personally I like the game with current approach: Orbital unit == satellite. Uber-battlestations bring nothing good into the game IMHO. Keep PA what PA was suppose to be - game focused around ground combat with orbital units being just additional favor - not be-all-end-all kind of ****.[/quote]

    Then why have those planets at all? If they're not useful, then nobody is going to bother trying to take them in the first place.

    As for gas planets, they have a huge amount of carbon in their atmosphere, which can be changed into various things such as diamond armor or carbon fibers that are incredibly strong. In addition, they have the most hydrogen and helium available outside of the sun, including their various variants, some of which may be useful for fusion.

    Likely? Maybe not, but there has to be a reason for the gas giants, otherwise it's a waste of Uber's work. They need a reason to be in the game, and we already know they WILL be in the game.. So give them a purpose in playing.

    And since we're going to have planet to planet nukes, these provide a different version of interplanetary artillery, that is somewhat less nasty, less accurate but can't be intercepted like nukes.

    That "Uber battlestation" allows for a defending player to be able to defend against large numbers of space fighters, a battle that currently is always won by the player with more resources., then orbital superiority is captured and they destroy anything sent up. There's not a defensive unit for orbit fights.

    I didn't say they were uberbattlestation btw, I made them orbital turrets essentially, I even described them that way initially., why do you have a problem with that? Orbit is currently not very balanced and a defensive side will help both balance and make orbit more fun.

    Why not allow for these kind of fights? You don't have to fight multiple planet battles if you don't want to, just make a single planet fight, and it's unlikely that you or your enemies will even get into orbit. However for games in which players start on different worlds. making orbit a fun and interesting place would add to the game.

    As for why these things or things like them should be added. Look at games like Sins of a Solar Empire, a game that was vastly more successful than expected. You can get the 4X players involved on this (and yes, I love 4X games myself) My ideas are only to provide solutions for what I see as an incomplete area of the game that could be a lot of fun.

    Orbital is already a part of the game. Shouldn't it be fun and complete?
  5. slywynsam

    slywynsam Active Member

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    They don't want space combat.

    I think they said orbital fighters is about as far as they're willing to go.
  6. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    They did mention the possibility of changing their direction on that in a live stream to help sort certain problems such as the commander being stuck in orbit.
  7. slywynsam

    slywynsam Active Member

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    News to meeee. :3
    archcommander likes this.
  8. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    That is literally the hardest way I can imagine to solve that problem, assuming it's still a problem once Orbital and Interplanetary is tightened up.

  9. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    Not me who said it of course it was Jon. I'm just repeating the general idea.

    I'm not against it unless it makes land battles redundant late game.
  10. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    You''l have to direct me to what LS it was because despite recently finishing my Live Stream Index it's not something I recall being said, I get the feeling context here is very important.

  11. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    September live stream 29.37 or something.
  12. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    As Jon Himself said, He's not even sure its a problem yet because the systems in place for Orbital and Inter-planetary still have work to be done on them. I mean heck, if you look at the visualization the intent was to select a target and only then was the unit loaded into the lander and the whole assembly fired off into space, the current system is basically wrong on all levels and as such it's not a good basis for determining if something is a problem or not.

    corteks and archcommander like this.
  13. dekate

    dekate Member

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    i know that, and i wrote that, and made a proposition, to how to change some tidbids around, to possibily add a new type of medium-long ranged defensive strucute (just because i loved TA and its arty), while the pelter would become a high powered, long-extended range slow firing weapon... aka coastal battery style

    you just read about slow firing pelters and didnt read the rest of the post it seems to me.

    this reminds me of the arty tank from Ground controll II ... it were deployable, and if so it got more range and fired in three-bursts in a very high arc.
    if not deployed it could move and shoot, but only single-shot like, with lower range

    i really like that game and the graphics were very detailed, you could zoom so far in that you could read what was written on a SINGLE CANNON SHELL (like the caliber...)
    websterx01 likes this.
  14. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    I hope that they get that detailed. And TA is definitely the go-to for new units. They went all out and a little overboard with that game-- made it amazing.
    archcommander likes this.
  15. viaknar

    viaknar New Member

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    Since there will be no shielding i was thinking maybe a density manipulation system that takes both energy and metal to use that boost armor/hp of everything in radius.
  16. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    A unit like YURI from Command and Conquer Red Alert only he can control 5 - 10 enemy units at once.
  17. commiecomrade187

    commiecomrade187 New Member

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    A unit that can fly once through the battlefield and go on land Best for getting over lazer towers, this emphazises the need for AA
  18. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    Like a turret that makes air units land so your laser towers can kill them, lol
  19. Slamz

    Slamz Well-Known Member

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    Does anyone make laser towers? Other than maybe the triple-laser ones to deal with potential T2 tank rushes.

    I find the regular T1 missile launchers are sufficiently devastating against T1 units -- land and air. I'm not sure that's intentional. I'd swear they have a harder time killing planes than Doxes. In TA, missile launchers did well against planes but did little damage against ground. You had to mix in laser turrets. I'm not finding that to be the case in PA.
  20. Telvi

    Telvi Member

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    i mix my defence first wall 2 strong then double rocket towers, before the update ive made some t2 laser turrets behind them but now i dont need them because of the short range. But last but not least some catapults. They saved my live many times

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