Hey all, I've been playing since Alpha but ended up taking a break for a while. My username to log in has always been TREXJET, but I just logged in to PA recently as TREXJET...and my account name was MEGAMAN (which is my steam username). I don't have the game tied to steam, so I'm not sure what's going on? Has anyone else experienced this? I'm wondering if there are fixes (I really liked TREXJET).
Iirc PA runs through steam, so it uses your steam username as your display name. So you'll have to change your steam username in order to change your PA display name.
Are you totally sure it's not linked to Steam? Can you please check this link: https://uberent.com/user/linksteam You have no Steam account linked?
Not sure how that happened...but somehow it WAS linked to my steam account. I changed the steam account name to TREXJET, and reconnected and it worked. Thanks a lot!