It's new. Unreal is great and everything, but it grows old really quickly for me. and maybe this would too, but I don't know yet seeing as I haven't played it.
does to me. besides, when I say "it grows old really quickly" I'm not actually referring to how long the franchise has been around.
If you're talking to me, all I have to go on is the video that was linked to us, hence "perhaps." So I assume it's some type of sport that involves a ball.
Heh, did anyone ever watch RollerBall or play the video game? I know it's not the same, but I guess that's what it reminded me of.
Welp, I did not remember since I haven't played in years. Just found the cd covered in dust, Bombing run.
This brings back memories, I wish I could play but my xbox controllers are all dead, 1 was murdered, 1 passed out and never woke up and 1 was a fake. My xbox despite being almost 10 years still lives. I just found my old SEGA platform, god this thing still works on coal, love it.