For Backers Only: AI building stuff

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Sorian, July 19, 2013.

  1. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    Wow, that's a neat AI!
  2. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    Keep in mind, the AI is still in progress, so anything I post here is subject to change.

    AI personalities are not completely fleshed out yet. I have a lot of ideas. The main idea is to have a few high level options, and then have a UI panel where you can make more low level modifications, such as; modifying Air vs land vs Naval focus, aggressiveness, and micro level.

    I just submitted some "last ditch" behaviors for the AI today. Having a toggle for those behaviors sounds like an interesting idea.

    The AI already has an "abandon my base and try to start up somewhere else" behavior. Maybe on the same toggle as above?

    I am all for options and love the ideas.
  3. slywynsam

    slywynsam Active Member

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    Is there any way to explain why the AI that focuses on Air units just spams fighters and bombers and does nothing else? I've never seen that one even expand. D:
  4. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Back in the January livestream there was a question about opening build orders which was sort of left open. I'm interested in the approach being taken. Is this a neural net problem where the AI compares the success of various openings when taken against factors such as biome and planet size? Or will it purely be stats driven based on resource need and time to next MEX spot (with some fuzzy logic around which factory to start with)? Or will it be drawing from a pool of opening builds?

    I disagree, it's a highly asymmetrical game where the AI isn't really playing against you but is subject to a very strict and intentionally predictable ruleset. It's more like an epic puzzle with optional timelimit and the personality of the AIs determines the nature of the puzzle.

    I don't think it's something sorian could draw inspiration from for strategic AI. It does however do some interesting unit AI things, for example the roam command where all selected units will intelligently split themselves up to eliminate all threats within a sector.

  5. dogyaut

    dogyaut Member

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    Yeah that's a nice idea! Don't forget an AI profile which loves smashing planets xD

    Like I said the asymmetrical nature of AI War Fleet Command can't work in PA of course. But I would love to get similar options for PA.

    I would call myself an AI fanatic, I even have fun just watching AI fighting each other ^.^ can remember the old times, where I have written myself many different skirmish AI's for Age of Empires 2 and doing AI tournaments to find out which of them was the best lol - yes this also can be fun ;)
  6. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    Damn, is that the live build AI? And people are complaining THAT is hard? :D

    Air and Land AI is no longer a thing. It is now just a percentage of focus. An AI that focuses 80% on Land and 20% on Air will build factories in that ratio. It is as simple as that.

    [Edit] I have a hard time keeping track of what is live and what isn't, so yeah I am truly surprised to hear that version of the AI is still live. [/Edit]
  7. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    So you're saying that when the new AI goes like, there will be a boatload of people crying nerf nerf nerf?
    igncom1 likes this.
  8. slywynsam

    slywynsam Active Member

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    That sounds amazing, and I very much look forward to it.

    Edit: That's only one of the 'archetypes' I've seen so far. There's one that focuses heavy on bots. One of them even tried to artillery creep me, but I've only seen that one once. The air one seems very common.
    archcommander likes this.
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I'm the same way from around the time I discovered the Reaper bot for Quake, going on to making custom AIs for Total Annihilation (way more basic than sorian's stuff, TA didn't allow for that kind of modding. Also that site is very 90s, be warned), to the AI League I did for Kohan 2. Having sorian join Uber for this project was kind of like Christmas come early. I proposed he should be a stretch goal, thankfully Uber just went and hired him.

    Is it making that determination in the same way it did with your mod in SUPCOM and your AI in SUPCOM2, looking at factors of the map and choosing a personality (or adjusting focuses)? Is this focus fixed across the course of a game or does it change? Is this focus per AI or per AI per planet?
    Last edited: October 31, 2013
  10. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    Ya thats the current build by the looks of it. I definately fear the bot oriented more than the one that just makes air.
    As that one also like nukes...and it likes finding MY nukes. It pulled off some good surgical attacks with small forces of bots into my base through a hole in the defense, took out all 3 nukes before continueing on my econ.
    As a huge fan of the Sorian AI mods, I am super excited for the future ai builds. Those mods had completely rebirthed forged alliance which had been shelved for awhile until just before I found PA's kickstarter.
  11. dogyaut

    dogyaut Member

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    Don't mind those people xD they should be lucky that there are still games around which don't forget about the AI.
    Still annoyed that Battlefield dropped bot support since Bad Company 1...yeah we don't need bots because we can play online -_-

    But bots don't spam the chat bit**ing about that everyone is a noob/hacker/"place anything you like here"! <- except those old CS 1.5 bots - PODBot anyone :D - they where even able to chat at least it was funny editing the chatlines and adding new ones. I even managed to believe some of my friends they were real players rofl good old times. But the best was Parabot for Half Life MP - it learned from players (annyoing AI stealing my camping places lol)

    Don't get me wrong I like playing with other players too, but I often prefer to just play alone or with Friends vs AI trying things out and having fun. Let's say AI/bots in MP does enhance the experience :p
    Ortikon likes this.
  12. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    good ol' PODBot..
    dogyaut likes this.
  13. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Careful, the Jan livestream talked about AI taunts.

    Please, please don't.
  14. slywynsam

    slywynsam Active Member

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    I think -some- AI interaction could be fun, but I wouldn't want to see it be a focus.
  15. dogyaut

    dogyaut Member

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    If they keep it like Sorian AI in SupCom, it's fine for me :)
  16. nobrains

    nobrains Member

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    I was thinking about AI difficulties and one interesting option to try could be to feed false information or some form of noise to the neural networks responsible for platoon decisions. This would hopefully force the AI to make 'bad' decisions.
  17. Stormie

    Stormie Active Member

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    Hey Sorian, you should give your best, unhindered AI a match against 2 (or however many you think it can handle) players playing as a team against it. that would be awesome to watch!
    Last edited: November 1, 2013
  18. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    If memory serves correctly, Sorian talked about that in his GDC presentation.
  19. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Id love to see a time lapse of 2 AI's battling to the death.
  20. slywynsam

    slywynsam Active Member

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    ... can you do a FFA with you and 2 AI and then watch after you die?

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