Can we, please, have these implemented: ^ That's from TA Spring manual. Something that reduces click-fest a hundredfold. I'm actually really surprised it's not implemented yet. I pop in PA from time to time, and as far as initially I blamed it on simply game just starting to develop - now we're very close till the end of beta (it's... what? 2-3 months?) and we still don't have any functionality to reduce production click fest? ------------------- Another good feature would be to have a templates. Add new option in main menu - production templates - which will open a large, metal planet with editor where we can place any buildings we'd like to - on a left-hand side it should show you a summary of builders required for production. There needs to be an option to choose an order in which buildings will be constructed. When saved it'd ask for a template name. Than in game UI when selecting builders we'd have a new option in bottom menu - templates - which will show templates of buildings possible to use with currently selected builders. When used builders will proceed to build units in pre-assigned order, just as if I'd manually click stuff on a map (so if I re-assign my builders to something else - it'll cancel the queue). ------------------- (Posted after reading comments from )
I totally agree with you. And so does a lot of people in the community. Both click+drag and building templates are in the list of community requested UI features (in my sig).
Sounds good Culverin We'll see how it all goes, but... yea. Building walls is a nightmare right now. ;] I just hope it will work like in TA Spring - no reason to re-invent the wheel when it works brilliant out there. While familiar controls will surely encourage at least part of current TA Spring / older TA Spring players like me to try it out on a more competitive layer
Look what I found! That's a good start! (though I can't understand why they would limit this functionality to only few types of buildings)
I suspect that they'll add bloc building as well; it's easy enough to adapt code-wise. But either way, HUZZAH! Expect to see a LOT more battle lines and wall action.
I'm most eager to see some walls being used to create choke points. Sadly even vanilla Total Annihilation got more sophisticated walling system than Planetary Annihilation currently has - Land Barrier that PA got is only an equivalent to Dragon's Teeth - there's nothing right now that you can compare to Fortification Wall which was essential for some of the tactics employed in TA. So I really hope for the sake of tactical opportunities we'll see Wall being implemented at some point as it would play even more important role in PA than it did in TA, as TA got much more more choke points than any PA planet I've ever seen, so creating artificial choke points might really change the way game is played and how you approach tactical opportunities. But as far as I see we're right now at the stage where Uber pushes out new units, so... fingers crossed!
Does area commands mean things like templates? I loved that feature in SupCom and would really like to see something similar here. Very quick way to set up a forward outpost for unit production. Edit: Wow I apparently really didn't read the earlier posts in this thread because I now see templates mentioned like three times before I came, busting out this retarded question. Sorry
Here are the Area Commands people are asking for: And Building Templates is what you're referring to. Both are in the Community Requested UI Features list (in my sig).
Erm... not really. And drag and drop isn't the same thing as template either. Drag and drop buildings means that you click on a building, hold shift and than press mouse button, drag it on a battlefield, and release a mouse button - as a result you will have a queue of buildings. Like that: ^ top row is an existing queue of buildings, bottom row is a queue that user can see while still dragging. That way you can speed up base-building roughly thousandfold In general the idea is not to re-invent the wheel introducing some new mechanics based on "someone thought of something" but rather using proved tools that do the job perfectly in other TA-inspired game.