Like in SupCom , PA builds shoud be buildable on Wrecks, reducing the clicks. now you need to reclaim them build another(2 click). w/ this you need only to build (1 click). also if the wreck is of another thing the unit auto reclaim it
I think the auto-reclaim should only work on metal spots, but you should be able to build buildings of the same type onto wreckage I do agree with.
In this regard it's pretty safe to assume things will be at least as good as they were in SupCom/FA, at this scale a powerful UI is important and Uber has plenty of experience in this regard due to SupCom/FA. Mike
This will be in game and is confirmed. Just hasn't been added yet. We've been requesting this feature since Alpha. Really hope it'll be added soon.
Why only on metal points? Would you really like to have to manually tell your fabbers to reclaim trees and rocks and little itsbitsy forest creatures before you can build your factories on a jungle world? Same principals as wreckages.
I posted this in another thread... Why not just have the fabber be smart? Code: If you issue build order. And wreckage/enemy/civilian structure exists, then reclaim before build. I've always been drawn to this lineage of games because of unit intelligence. I want a mex at X-spot. If my fabber encounters something, he reclaims then builds me my damn mex. I don't think it's necessary for me to micro this stuff. Let me focus on what I want to build, when I build it, how to expand, defend and attack.
I hope that this is implemented soon. Just played a 3 player FFA where I got booted from my own base, ran straight into the base of the player that didn't kick me out, killed him... and then I just couldn't get a base up in time before I got slaughtered again. If I was able to build on his wrecks with 50% metal saved, I could have recovered fairly easily and had a chance.
I mean in the sense of if there's a not-destroyed enemy building there. Say there's an enemy's mex that you want to take over with an engineer. You should be able to auto-reclaim that to take the spot. But I don't think you should just be able to send an army of engineers into someone's base and tell them to build things on top of enemy buildings and them go ahead and do it. I think it should always auto-reclaim wreckage.
Why not? Reclaiming enemy buildings with fabbers wouldn't be quick. But why not have that level of intelligence?
Because you can send in a ton of fabbers(Which are cheaper than normal units) and actually gain something out of your enemies dying buildings while also littering his base with useless structures. It's just a cheap tactic I wouldn't want to encourage.
Say you include auto-reclaim for any building you build atop. Guy makes a ton of engineers, runs them into an unprotected side of someone's base, and just starts building on top of everything. Suddenly there's a base in your base so you can base while you base.
Well you can't just build on top on an existing building, I imgaine it'd work very similar to the way it worked in SupCom, Reclaiming an enemy structure would drain it's HP at a certain rate(related to hwo long that engineer would take to build the structure) and once the building's HP hits Zero it turns into a wreck, then the Wreck is either reclaimed or you could build on top(assuming you were the same faction in SupCom) at a discount. In Supcom it was cheaper to fully reclaim a building an it's wreck, but it was quicker to build on top of the wreck. How it would pan out in PA depends on things like how much the wreck is worth when 'killed' with reclaim and what the bonus amount is for building on top. Mike
I don't think that the AI should auto reclaim, unless if reclaim only when you is stalling(patrol). like if you get the mass on full and the AI is reclaiming you will waste mass
When building in forrests the builders are auto-reclaiming the area free. When rebuilding mex, anything in the way is beign reclaimed (even facotries that were placed over them by the AI). For factories I usually rebuild in a different place. This saves Energy and time from teh reclaiming. So I am not sure if they auto-reclaim wreckage in the way like they do with forrests. There used to be a bug that building a catalyst does not auto-reclaim wrecks that are in the way. Not sure about it's state.