It's time to talk unit ideas

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by neutrino, September 30, 2013.

  1. skywalkerpl

    skywalkerpl Member

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  2. omniao

    omniao Active Member

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    Anyone have any quotes from uber sayong that they're making a gatling gun?
  3. omniao

    omniao Active Member

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    Or conventional missles? I would love to see missile silos in the game. Or better bombers? Boy, I could go on all day posting Ideas and everyone would try to find a quote of uber saying that they are doing it.
  4. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    The catapult missile launcher uses non-nuclear missiles.
  5. omniao

    omniao Active Member

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    I meant like, you had to build them like the nuke, you have to build the stand and the nuke.
  6. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Ehh.......I have never been to fond of that system, id rather the missile launchers drew metal to fire like artillery draw energy.
  7. Dementiurge

    Dementiurge Post Master General

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    Do the current catapults even draw anything? I thought they were just Perfectly Accurate Artillery 2.0 at the moment.
    smallcpu likes this.
  8. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    They might draw power? But frankly yeah I too feel like they completely outclass the T2 artillery, not because that gun is bad, but because the missile launcher is massively powerful.
  9. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    That would be awesome.
  10. Telvi

    Telvi Member

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    yep Flying aircraft Carrier :D

    This one or a naval one
    archcommander likes this.
  11. Telvi

    Telvi Member

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    did someone noticed that we have

    2 long range ground defense Buildings (Catapult, artillery cannon)
    2 short range ground defense Buildings (Missile launcher, Laser turret)
    and only
    1 short range air defense building (Missile launcher)
    i think here should be one more air defense building.
    Only for air or also for ground defense
    Maybe a gattling or a building where you can put some bots in.
  12. TehOwn

    TehOwn Member

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    It's already stated a "95%" chance that they'll add another AA tower but they're hoping to come up with something "awesome" and unique.
  13. dekate

    dekate Member

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    one thing to mention, played a game yesterday against AI... it pretty much spammed catapults like crazy... i want T-MDs ! tactical missile defense ! swarmy medium range anti missile missiles (duh!) or a buzzkill like rapid fire gatling gun please
    zweistein000 and antmaster like this.
  14. antmaster

    antmaster New Member

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    I really like these ideas, however, they would either have to be in accurate, low range, low power, or very expensive, or else they would make missile launchers useless.
  15. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Make them negate the amount of missiles that go through.

    Also make the antinuke like this or into this and it priorities nukes.

    It would work, as long as 1:1 that the catapult gets every other missile through and it stops nukes only when a lot of them are implemented (a total number that costs a nuke silo).

    Also, as aforementioned, t2 artillery sucks my main concern is it only works on stationary targets. So it would be neat to have missiles not work against bases due to this counter, and artillery now would have a reason not to work on moving units.

    And someone mentioned anti air towers. What would be neat, is if catapults could target and track air. Again, if missiles had an anti gun against them, a catapult would only get a shot in before they drive from base to base, so the catapult could be long range unit thinning that has a counter, while artillery can take slow pecks at things but be uncountered by anything less than killitwithfire.

    Diversification. Would impress me. Also, this doesn't buff anything, if anything it nerfs longrange and air, so that's a consideration too.
    Last edited: October 29, 2013
    antmaster likes this.
  16. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    Im not sure if anyone suggested something like this but:

    -Centipede Bot
    Its a headpiece+tailpiece combopack. When you build 1 you also need to make atleast 1, or multiple bodypiece bots and eventually when it is build it will form 1 centipede bot with as many middlepieces as you want. It will always start producing a headpiece, followed by all the middelpieces that all walk out, and then an tailpiece. The headpiece+tailpiece combo should be cheap, and the middelpieces more expensive. The head and tailpiece should only have a scouts weapon but the middelpieces should be armed with big machineguns. Not really sure, but i think the whole thing can only be destroyed by killing the head after all the other sections on it are also dead, maybe they should carry the dead sections with it, staying on total length always, dropping as an entire wreck when its dead, or maybe when you kill a section, it will drop out of the chain and the sections behind it detach from it, walk over it and quickly attach to the next in line section.

    Will you make 1000 small ones or a huge 1000 section monster?
  17. antmaster

    antmaster New Member

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    This sounds like it would strike fear in the hearts of even the biggest armies, however, it seems a bit much for the normal game, this sounds more like a mod type of thing. But awesome idea! would love to see it in action somewhere.
  18. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    Has a post earlier that had some unit ideas but wanted to do another since this one just came to mind.

    T2 Land units
    Tunnel Tank: Has a simple ability to traverse all forms of land by simply drilling through the side of the mountain and coming out the other side. Not strong offensivly but now the terrain has tunnels for other land units to funnel through
    T2 Land units
    Electric storm Flak: T2 anti air tank that shoots a web into the sky that disables control of enemy air planes for 1 second and does mild damage. Meant to assist other air fighters but not completely wreck all the airplanes in one shell.

    T1 navel unit
    Hover cannon tank: shoots cannon rounds like a pirate ship. and come across land once naval has cleared the beach.
    T2 naval unit
    High speed Explosive boat/ PT boat: basically faster then the scout ship but low vision range.. either has a a 7x torpedo barrage that it launches at once and then retreats when done. or can run into opposing ships and cause massive damage.. or deploy jellyfish landmines.

    T2 naval unit
    robotic squid:

    Disables one ship by wrapping its tentacles and shake the ship. basically what Red alert 2 had but I want to see a cool robot form.

    T1 Orbital:

    Space landmine that shoots lasers in all directions. effective against large orbital fighter armies.
    antmaster likes this.
  19. antmaster

    antmaster New Member

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    I must admit, i am very intrigued to see giant robot squid wars.
  20. gammatau

    gammatau Member

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    Haha, the idea of a centipede bot sounds a little over-the-top :) But i'm intrigued by the idea of large units that can't move by themselves, with other large units that can tow them.

    Tunnelling units sound interesting too.

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