Whenever I try to launch a new game it black-screens. All of the other interfaces still work, but there is a prompt at the bottom of the screen telling me to select my starting location. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Or try this!! https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-performance-booster-v2.53233/ its an alternate fix to boost framerates and help with stability, you definitely need to have Anti-Aliasing and HDR off if you use it.
if its still happening and you have tried turning both HDR and AA off, can you post some things for me please. A copy of your DxDiag.txt And a copy of your most recent log file too. C:\Users\"YourUserName"\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log\PA-00-00-00.000.txt "Click sort by date so the most recent one is at the top, And post that one here." if you can't see the "AppData" folder try this. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-au/windows/show-hidden-files#show-hidden-files=windows-vista
Check this thread for workarounds: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/810938810899540110/
I just recently had this problem, but usually I just wait a little bit (maybe up to half a minute?) and it finishes loading.. How longer are you waiting when it stays a black screen?
are you using windows?? if you are you could give this a try it may help quite a few people have benefited from this shader fix https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-performance-booster-v2.53233/
I'm using windows 8.1 actually .. which is probably the source of a few of my problems. I'll try your mod out if the delays bother me, but for now, waiting a few seconds doesn't really bother me yet.