I'm getting this really strange visual 'stutter' where the game will continue to run but everything onscreen will freeze up, then the game jumps to where it's supposed to be. It's like the Chronocam is lagging the game or something? I'm not entirely certain what's happening. It wasn't doing this earlier and a complete computer restart hasn't fixed the issue. Edit: Also first starting the match the screen stays black for a very long time but continues to run, which will often leave me unable to pick a landing zone. Edit2: I think I may have figured out the source of the problem but it doesn't make much sense to me, maybe someone can explain? Our internet comes under heavy use about this time, and the internet slowing down seems to be causing the visual stutter and excessive loading times when starting the game. It seems tied into the Chronocam somehow but I'm not sure why or how it's behaving like this.
When your connection to server is slow you'll see bandwidth throttling effects like you explained here. Everything simulated on server, so it's pretty normal for PA. Workarounds for this problem explained here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/810938810899540110/ Most likely you just need to wait before planets are generated only only then start game.
I was wondering what that dot was for! Thank you for explaining, that's very helpful. =) And alright that makes sense, if the game's being simulated on a server my connection being slow having an impact on the game is understandable. Do you think they'll release a non-connected version to remedy this sort of problem or will it be ongoing?
When PA released (currently planned time is December) server software will be bundled with game. So if you just want to play with AI or over LAN it's will run local server on your computer. Obviously there is also bandwidth optimization process going, so in future game should be less demanding for connection quality.