Your poll isn't even coherent. But what I think you are trying to say, is you lost to someone that used micro and your mad.
I think he means that stuff like special abilities (active, not passive ones) of units get shot down as a suggestion because they would require more micro. And I like that. This game is about macro, not micro. XP
all i could gather is that you dont like micro? this poll is pointless, are you saying that someone used bots and run them in circles around your units/turrets?
I'm tempted to ask for this to be moved to Unrelated Discussion... as I'm not sure anyone is able to relate...
I don't understand your question like many others...... wrong you micro to counter. I've easily handed blobs their asses with less than half the amount of units
There will always be micro..... without it what's the point??? Just start an ai game and watch them fight it out
I've understand the poll as : If you are arguing about something you don't like, just say that it add micro and you just win the internet. It's a bit the godwin point of PA forums.
I understood the poll. It's pretty coherent to me, even if it does use a clever literary technique that ESL people might not understand.