Discussion of Reverse Tech Tree.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by thetrophysystem, October 22, 2013.

  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I was wondering what everyone else's thoughts were on t2 being able to build backwards. They used not to.

    I think it makes t2 fabber self sufficient. He can build the tree backwards. I guess you still need the t1 fabber to build some stuff.

    Generally, i wouldn't mind it. I would prefer if t2 bot fabber could build his normal stuff, along with maybe a t1 factory of his own type (bot).

    Reason i think of this at all, is because it starts to replace t1 fabbers with t2. No reason to ever make another t1.
  2. Azarath

    Azarath Member

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    I agree.
    To allow an Adv fab to build all the basic factories seems to me a little bit over powered.
    It would be better if the Adv fabs could only build the basic factories of its own type.
  3. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    As Nanolathe will no doubt be along shortly to remind you, the idea is that Advanced tier units are not simply an upgrade from Basic tier units, but are specialised.

    Personally, I feel that allowing Advanced fabricators to build everything that Basic fabricators can and more, faster, means that once you have a sufficient number of Advanced fabricators, you have more or less made Basic fabricators redundant.

    I would prefer it if the change were reverted for that reason. I don't feel that this current implementation is in keeping with what Uber are trying to do with Basic / Advanced.
  4. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    I believe in a "flatter" tier system, but not entirely flat.
    In TA, tier 2 turrets are stronger, than tier 1.
    But tier 1 still had their place.
    I would still build pulverizers and guardians and jethros late game.

    I am one of those OCD types, and I'm a turtler.
    So for me, base building is a huge fun factor in the game.
    But for a game with such a grand scope and scale (remember, 1 million units).
    I would rather not have to micro my fabbers.

    If we truly are aiming for 50,000 units per player.
    Then I would gladly make them the single exception to the flat tier design.

    Even as a base-building/econ type of player, I can agree that my time is better spent microing my gunships.
  5. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    T1 engineers are more efficient. If you want build power then they are more effective. If you want huge amounts of build power then massing t2 is more efficient in terms of physical space they take up.
  6. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    Isn't that the exact culprit that necessitated the Engie Mod overhaul?
  7. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Different games, different situations. In supcom it was most efficient to have 300 t1 engys around a single factory. That is not the case here, piling more engineers on a t2 factory gets inefficient much quicker and requires you to build another factory instead. If you make t1 engys less efficient it makes them even more defunct once you hit t2.
  8. Nayzablade

    Nayzablade Active Member

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    I agree. Giving the commander the schematics for all basic building types is good.

    Limiting vehicles.bots.planes to be able to only build there own type of basic/advanced building + the other general stuff is also good :)
    vorell255 likes this.
  9. vorell255

    vorell255 Active Member

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    I like this idea....only the commander has schematics to all basics factories. Bots can only do bots, etc.
  10. Nayzablade

    Nayzablade Active Member

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    It would actually mean that you would have to choose carefully which contruction vehicle(s) you sent to another celestial body
    zweistein000 likes this.
  11. vorell255

    vorell255 Active Member

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    And it would entice you to take your commander.
  12. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    It would be decision making is the whole point.

    You would still be able to take t2 if you wanted to rush halleys, even build a t2 factory to make more engis to assist halleys.

    If you took t1, it would take longer but be safer since you have access to the tech that can defend a whole planet, massive armies and such.

    If you took your commander, you would have access to t1 at all trees.

    Currently, the problem is the difficulty of starting on any planet that already has another enemy. T2 build alls might be a short term solution, but when this is naturally fixed with better orbital travel and such, this needs to go back.

    It depends on what feels more playable, but I am almost entirely sure t2 being an all around winner (with the exception of efficiency, which when you get t2 you don't worry about energy anyway), its as bad as letting levelers being spammable upgraded ants, or any of the other t2 units doing this.
  13. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    The last thing I want to be doing is dicking around trying to find the right builder just so I can erect another factory. Suddenly we need two idle builder keys.

    What the game should be striving for is making me strike a balance between the time I can afford to pump out the higher tier fabbers and the time I'm losing not building more advanced units from said factory.
  14. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    It should always come back strong vs cheap.
    In FA terms, this is "tech vs spam".

    I am really curious to see what the full unit roster will be.

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