Wy advanced fabbers cant be,build by all basic factories?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by kalherine, October 21, 2013.

  1. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    • All basic factories can now be built by advanced fabbers.
    • I dont get!
    • wy insted that, the basic factories can upgrade to advanced factories,and alowed to have all tech 1 and tech 2 in same factorie?
    • Whats the point or whats the main idea!
    • Iff we got a advanced factories, wy we want fabbers downgrade to basic factories ,when we already have the basis fabbers doing that ? ( i now its usefull the basic factories to spam on early game or even in global time matche)
    • I dont understand the thought?
    • Im sure you guys can give me a easy explanation!
    • By the way fabbers are the same off engeniers right?
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    because otherwise you can loose tech one completely (com excepted).
  3. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    It's easy. It requires strategy to step up tech.

    Basic factories being built by advanced fabbers make sense as it allows players to send advanced fabbers to new planets and build basic factories. This allows for much easier and faster colonization.

    Engineers is what they were called in other games. They're fabricators (or fabbers for shot) in Planetary Annihilation.
  4. sovietpride

    sovietpride Member

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    Not going to bash your post but, it seems a bit... hard to understand.
    You're asking why it's TA style (Distinct tiers and factories) As opposed to FAF? (High tech level can build lower tech)

    Sorry, I don't get you =/
  5. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Making lower tech has a value for T2 you can use em as shields or create a cheaper army and use em as decoys tons of strategy there
  6. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    Because you can lose access to tech one units, especially when your base is far away from your commander particularly on other planets. (If the advanced fabbers can build both then you only need a single lander rather than two)
    spazzdla and zweistein000 like this.
  7. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Crap its so hard understand english or try make my point in portuguese english:)

    I think we only need 1 factorie upgradble,one that have all units t1 and t2 but...
    im going talk on engeniers im moore ust.
    I now that....
    engenier t1 make only t1 units or builds.
    engenier t2 makes all basic factories t1 and advanced t2,but google tradutor not good enouth.
    I just not understand wy we need 2 factories when 1 is enouth to all units ,t1 and t2...
    We can have 20 spam factories ,that build all units tech.
    we dont need 10 basic factories + 10 advanced factories, the game is already bit confusing.
    For exemple i dont get ,iff advanced engeniers can now make T1 and T2 factories ,wy the same t2 advanced engeniers (fabbers) cant make power t1 or mexes t1,im really confuse about this strange ideas.
    That was what i try explain..
    Last edited: October 22, 2013
  8. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I am having a really difficult time understanding you.

    The idea of basic factories building basic units and advanced factories building only advanced units provides an extra level of strategy. There is no one all powerful building or unit.

    Your summary is is correct.

    Does anyone speak Portuguese? May be able to better explain things to her.
  9. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    I think you not understand nothing i have say...:(
    Just forget.
  10. GalacticCow

    GalacticCow Active Member

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    I dunno, I actually think that NOT letting advanced build basic is a poor choice. What's so bad about reverse compatibility -- I for one think it would add to the game. When you don't allow advanced to build basic, you start to replace basic with advanced, rather than supplement. Didn't we all agree that we don't want basic to become obsolete? The ant should still be your bread and butter, while your shellers or submersible tanks or whatever we get from advanced should be the tasty olive garnish.

    If advanced can't build basic, then it becomes inconvenient to go back to basic. Sure it might add a little strategy in highly competitive play, but it would be a dumb break in the flow of the game when your orbital construction project is halted since you need basic fabricators to make AA and they're all back on Earth.
  11. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    It is in the game.

    With the latest updates, Advanced Fabbers can build basic factories.
  12. GalacticCow

    GalacticCow Active Member

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    woops, my bad. I totally misunderstood everyone's point of view and got confused...
    And I haven't played for a while, so I wouldn't know -- thanks for informing me!
  13. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    I agree with the point you're getting across. Its weird how Advanced is only allowed to build some Basic structures but not all of them. There is no reasoning why its limited right now since it could just be an Y or N option.

    Its annoying trying to build a defensive perimeter when I only have Advanced engineers building the Point Defense but can't build walls since I don't have a Basic engineer in the mix.

    Either Prohibit all the Basic Buildings a advanced engineer can build or have them all build-able. I'm sure they will touch on it in future updates but its something to think about.
    Last edited: October 22, 2013
    kalherine likes this.
  14. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Part of the reason why advanced fabbers are able to build basic buildings is because of beta.

    In the future, I believe it will be advanced fabbers can only build advanced buildings, basic factories, and buildings that there are no advanced version of – like walls.
  15. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    I think the main question here is why isn't it like SupCom?

    The reason is because SupCom's upgrade system is the biggest reason it's difficult to learn to play well. So Uber have chosen to do it the same way as Total Annihilation.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  16. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    That and in supcom higher tier units tended to replace lower tier entirely. Uber doesnt want that.
  17. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Your english is fine. Well done for trying. Can be a lot easier to take the easy way out and use google translate :) I understand exactly what you're trying to say, but maybe it is easier to understand for native English speakers.

    As people have said t2 fabbers being able to build factories makes it easier and faster to colonise new planets. If you have t2 fabbers, you must be able to support it, so to build t1 power with it is like building an ant from a t2 lab.
  18. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I argue the exact opposite.

    I accidentally made a thread just like this to, at about same time.

    Anyway, we are against replacing t1 with t2. This both means that t2 can't use t1 at all if they can't build t1 factories, and that if t2 units can build t1 then it directly replaces t1 and t1 fabbers become obsolete.

    I think its a hard decision. If t2 can build t1 there is no player choice you just send t2 to new planets all the time. If t2 can't, then you lose necesary builds with only t2.

    I'd rather if t2 can build t1 to limit it to their own type (air or bot or vehicle), and let t1 build all t1 branches, so you still have to build a branch for a branch if you choose to build backwards with t2.

    Though it would make the commander more unique if you couldn't build backwards at all. T1 bot fabber can't even build t1 air, t2 can't build any t1... and that in the long run would benefit non assassination games where you continue in your commanders death. As long as t1 stays useful and different from t2.
  19. sienihemmo

    sienihemmo New Member

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    What she's asking is that instead of separate basic and advanced factories, why isn't there a system where the factories are combined, and basic factories are instead upgraded to advanced ones, like in SupCom.
  20. bluestrike01

    bluestrike01 Active Member

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    I feel higher tier units should be able to make lower tier stuff at a greater speed just like SupCom.
    It would make lower tier units faster as a lower tier factory for example since its an advanced factory for something :p
    This works even without the SupCom upgrading system.

    Personally I found the SupCom systems the greatest but the game failed in learning the players how it all works.
    Nobody was used to this concept and there was no tutorial explaining this. How would players know you could upgrade a mex by selecting it and press a upgrade icon :) Same with the adjecency bonuses, its great once you have the hang of it but if you don't know surrounding your mexes with mass storrage increased mass production by quite a lot you were rolled over.

    I had to learn those kind of things by watching my own replays and see what my oponent did better, after completing the singleplayer already...

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