Will there seriously never be a full screen mode?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by heyhellowhatsnew, July 25, 2013.

  1. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Only in imaginary "on a scale of 1 to 100" type units.

    I suppose it might be possible for a display to be factory-programmed with specs on contrast ratio, lumens etc, but you're then relying on manufacturers to be truthful.
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I am more imaging some kind of standard that clearly states in what kind of unit the monitor has to report it's current brightness and other values to the system. Ofc you would need to relay on the monitor manufacturer, but that's true for all kinds of standards.
  3. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    It's already here:
    Unfortunately as any standard it's mainly ignored (or don't work properly) by many manufacturers.
  4. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Active Member

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    In Linux, the devs need to remember to use the standard OpenDesktop API for informing window managers that a program wishes to monopolize the screen, in E17, the window manager will not allow a window to overlap any shelf unless it explicitly fullscreens itself via this api.
  5. Bhaal

    Bhaal Active Member

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    I am
    In supcom I have a huge performance loss when I play in window mode. From what I can remember almost every game was running worse in window mode.
    I hope thats not true for pa, but anyway, there is no way to test the difference for us.
  6. c4ptainpronin

    c4ptainpronin Active Member

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    Alt + enter = fullscreen. Or did i miss something essential?
  7. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    I'm a touch confused...

    If the resolution is locked to native....
    What happens when the resolution increases?

    1. Is Commander X% of screen regardless of screen resolution?(Starcraft 2)


    2. Do I get to see more as resolution increases?(Total Annhilation)

    I'm asking since 27" monitors are now cheaper in price.
    And 4K games are not currently supported on current gen.
    I'm hoping to see more information as the res goes up, not just the same amount scaled up.

    Thank you guys so much for your reply.
  8. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    You don't have a fixed view (unlike games such as TA) so you can see as much as you want.
  9. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    The only thing that confuses me about this now (thx to SXX for clearing stuff up in other post) is the fact that enabling different resolutions really is next to no work at all, doesn't really seem to make a whole lot of sense not to add it, its just settings inside an ini file isn't it? I just dont think its really all that much work to add it in, in fear of sounding like an a.s.s, it seems a bit lazy to not to add it in a little bit... Maybe its down to upping the resolution of all the textures to make it not look like crap at fullscreen? I dunno just seems a little odd not to have it, CRTs, I dont think anyone has been using them for like 7 years now have they? bit of an old comparison that but still need support for it i suppose...
  10. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    As long as I understand modal fullscreen will conflict with "window in window". E.g PA will use modal fullscreen it's mean Uber need to implement internal window manager inside game and it's not really good idea while each OS already have own window manager which will work better than something built into PA.

    Modal fullscreen also make multi-monitor configurations really tricky task across multiple OS while multiple windows let user configure everything how he like.

    I know we have only one window at moment, but when we'll get more this might be a problem.
  11. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    Yes, that is true.
    Let's assume I am 3 zoom levels out from closest zoom.
    We can call this Zoom 3.

    At Zoom 3, I should be able to see both unit model and strategic icon.

    If the game stretches this out in to fit my res, then I don't actually see more.
    I just see the same amount of my base, but just stretched out bigger.
    This is a limit to the game like as in Starcraft.

    Whereas if we have the Total Annihilation model that is based on resolution, then as screen tech grows, I should be able to see more and more.

    4K is already double the width and height.
    And 4K gaming is here now. www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1od9zh/what_pc_gaming_looks_like_at_4k_resolution_all/

    Consider that we are still playing Total Annihilation to this day, I think this is a very relevant question to ask.
  12. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    Remember PA plays on spheres, not flat planes, you gain no more info. zooming out further than the point you can see half the world.

    edit: There's no practical screen size where viewing an entire hemisphere with the units rendered in full instead of strat-icons makes sense.
    Last edited: October 21, 2013
  13. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I really don't understand this post at all. TA has a fixed view, PA does not, there is nothing useful to be gleaned from TA in this regards. Uber has no control over what you can see, this is decided entirely by your zoom level. and the zoom level controls when strategic icons kick in. None of this is related to monitor type or resolution in any way.

    4K monitors are also irrelvant to the discussion as I believe they don't change the one monitor relevant issue, which is the aspect ratio.
  14. comham

    comham Active Member

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    I dunno, I've never seen a gamma slider that didn't have a calibration target above it like "adjust until you can barely see the middle box". Although Heavy Rain and Beyond:2S started with very dark gamma settings which was odd.

    Thinking of PA on a 4K monitor makes me drool.
  15. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    In terms of graphical fidelity there are far more exciting things than resolution, primarily texture quality and lighting.
  16. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Resolution goes a long way though. Given that monitors have been stuck still for a long time* while mobile displays have seen skyscraping improvements. The subtle detail you get from individual pixels being so small would really show off the unit detail and little animations.

    *really what I mean is I'm using a 7 year old 1400*900 19" monitor and the prospect of the leap to 4K gets my heart racing, especially for Arma where details matter more.
  17. bluestrike01

    bluestrike01 Active Member

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    Hmm in SupCom I ran my main screen in full resolution and my 2nd monitor on a low resolution thats just showing the strategic view as a huge map for gfx performance reasons.
    So that won't be possible in PA ?
  18. comham

    comham Active Member

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    No, that will be perfectly possible, in fact it's a design goal.
  19. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    So "old school" fullscreen was basically needed because monitors supported all kinds of different refresh rates/sizes etc.

    Nowadays with LCD technology it doesn't make sense to ever run your monitor at something at other than the native resolution. Fullscreen is simply making the window cover that entire area and doesn't involve changing the actual desktop resolution.

    The resolution scaling slider in the game controls the internal size we actually rendering to. If you make this smaller than the screen it will increase fill rate performance. If you make it larger then you get super sampling. This eliminates any reason to change the actual monitor resolution.

    Since this is a forward looking game supporting changing the desktop resolution sounds like a bad idea to me.
    shootall, monkeyulize, z4c and 5 others like this.

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