PA is currently a boring pork fest !

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by radmoustic, October 19, 2013.

  1. radmoustic

    radmoustic New Member

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    Why ? because the turrets are way too powerful. Players just play simcity for 20mins then attack with long range turrets ... Both T1 and T2 are too strong, if you want the game to be more action and less simcity, you need to drastically reduce the towers stats.

    I played Balanced Annihilation for years, and I like building units, scout, find the weak points, then attack etc. But attacking with long rage towers is no fun and building more turrets than units is boring !

    The first fight should happen with T1 units in the first few minutes, but the unit cost required to destroy a single T1 tower is not worth attacking !

    Here are some more comments/feature requests :
    • It should be easier to land on other planets, I mean, it's too expensive now, you just better use your ressources to fight here and win than go on another planet for what ? fun ?
    • I would like a global chat too in the lobby, I think it's one of the best way to create a strong community. You can organize game with people, you can talk about strategy, ask things very quickly without having to come on the forum.
    • A way to make a line or a square of buildings in one command like this : springrtsDOTcom/wiki/Using_Orders#Building_Buildings
    • A line formation to control the way your units will move [Youtube video RRNxdbEx6v8]
    • The captcha system to post in this forum SUX !
    I am probably not the first one to ask for those features but the more we are the more chance we will have to get them ^^
    kalherine likes this.
  2. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    It is possible to attack in the first few minutes. Try building less fabricators. That way you don't have to spend half your metal on energy.

    If you attack early on they won't have laser towers up. They might have build a single missile tower. But your aim is to raid them, not steamroll there base. If they put up turrets then attack where they don't have turrets. Stop there expansion and kill there fabricators that leave the safety of turrets.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  3. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Looks like you need to learn some different strategies and understand that we're in beta.

    You should also learn how to search. Several of the points you bring up have been talked about.

    Your 2nd, 3rd, & 4th points are confirmed features. No need to suggest them as they'll already be in the game.

    The general consensus on the forums is that towers are fairly nicely balanced right now. Turrets are supposed to be able to take out lots of units. They're powerful, but they can't move. If you're trying to attack your opponent and run into turrets, go around. If your opponent has tons of turrets all around their base, then that means their base is too small. Take control of the entire map and steamroll them since they don't have a strong economy.

    If my opponent builds more turrets than units, then I've already won. I gain more map control, produce a crap ton of units, scout the weak points, and destroy. If they don't have many weak points, nuke a hole in their defenses and move in. Or catapult creep. Or use shellers/stompers. Or use orbital lasers. The list goes on.

    Since turrets can't move, they must be more powerful than units. It's the way things go. They just require strategy to work around.
    l3tuce likes this.
  4. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    I'm not sure on what planets you play, but attacking with long-range turrets isn't very ideal on bigger planets. And if you let your enemy construct a Holkins in your backyard, that's your fault.

    (preventing holkins, nukes and catapults on a small planet is -as you might guess- a bit more difficult.)
  5. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Yes this game become a simcity game true,there is no tactic challenge.
    Many off us (not all) think in PA has Supreeme commander 3.

    On earth from the time we enters the atmosphere, until the arrival to the ground, everything is plane .
    And as it should be PA.
    On the moon where the human already were, just landed on the ground, as all planets of PA.
    Play this rts (PA) in a spherical world is completely confusing, not enough illumination, very dark, rare are the moments when the sun passing, leaves us some light.
    The spherical planet are completely confused , my head went in a dizzy mode, to constantly turn the direction of the planet , completely missing the prespetiva around all battlefield, to where attack, or what are attack you,where or what you need to press or what is press you in different locations of the map, it is (almost) impossible to know only with zoom in or out.

    Resources are too high , in comparison with the units .

    The height of a t2 power should not be greater than the current T1 .

    The expansion of the units it is really, very slowly .
    We should have the commanders ( ACU ) upgrades with T1 -T2 -T3 -T4 .
    It is the supreme commander , but we wont have .

    We should have several levels of upgrades in the factories should only be 1 fabric with the possibility to upgrade to another level T1 -T2 -T3 .
    Like mexes,they showld be upgradble.
    We should have 3 diferentof ACU 's if not more , where all units should be different , but we wont have.

    We should have several levels of upgrades , on land, sea , air or other possibilities , but we do not have.

    This game was supposed to be a sequel to TA .
    The way I see it I'm unconditional TA and FAForEver menber ( ) Uber made bad choices for this game.

    I do not see players of( Diablo 3 i play) or Starcraft 2 , to remain happy with a radical change ,on all structure off successor off the game.

    I dont think in the released this will change much.
    Uber post an idea in the head, and I respect that , its a nice idea.
    But not for this type of game.
    Last edited: October 19, 2013
  6. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I strongly strongly disagree with you. I'm also having a difficult time following what you're saying due to poor grammar. I'm guessing english is not your first language. I'll try and respond to each of your points as best as I can.

    There is a crap ton of strategy involved in this game. If you think this game is SimCity, then you must not know how to play PA. Play me and I'll show you how much strategy is involved.

    First off. BETA. The game is constantly being worked on.

    Uber is working on lighting and making improvements to the light side/dark side of the planet.

    Try turning on pole lock if you have difficulty keeping directions straight.

    Commanders should not have upgrades. This has been talked about exhaustively on the forums. In short, the Commander needs to be protected as the game goes on – not put into the fray. Upgrading him is pointless. You're better off investing your economy into other units and buildings rather than upgrading your commander.

    PA is different than SupCom. Factories not being upgradeable makes for a drastic change in strategy. You must build a mix of everything.

    Metal extractors are upgradeable. You must use fabricators to do so. This makes the game involve more strategy.

    There are differing levels of land sea and air units. Basic and Advanced. Just because there is not a third level does not mean PA is a bad game. Having only two levels makes the game much easier to balance, and more importantly, it makes basic units valid in late game. Uber is striving to make all units valid at all stages in the game – adding a third level would make that impossible.

    This game was not supposed to be a sequal to TA.

    So in short... you're wrong.
    onesparxy and liquius like this.
  7. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    There's a captcha system?
  8. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    For non backers and new members I believe that's the case. He may be talking about registering.
  9. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    Its only for the first few posts, after that it goes away.
  10. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    Perfect example of a giant mess up. Played it too but quit month ago. Diablo 2/LoD was grand, a legend. D3 was an uninspired bold move to earn money with the RMA. Which didnt last that long ;).
    It frightens me to see the similiarities in development and discussions between D3 and PA.

    First was the balance, done in a few days before release. Bad, very bad. Some nerf/buf patches tried to correct the worst but for the time I played, it never got anywhere near good. Cant imagin they really played the game before releasing it.
    Content was missing from the start, to be delivered by patches after release. Look at PvP, look at it. Pathetic.
    Act 4 at a whole was a big mess, very noticeable it was thrown together in a hurry.
    The game never had that immersion and spirit of others in that genre. The only thing that exceeds the potential it had is the ammount of fail it delivered.

    Now compare that with PA. Will most likely not be released feature complete, balance isnt even close to beeing done, units missing, very poor performance, lots of bugs remaining to fix,.... and its release date is in around 60-70 days.

    The strategy is (currently!) limited to managing deathballs and juggling nukes. Might change with future versions.
    Battle Isle 1 had strategy. Even Dune2 had more. Both a bit older than PA ;).
    I played you and remember what happened? Deathballs floating around killing various parts of bases until I tripple or quad nuked you.
    The last guy remaining fled to another planet and we agreed on a draw as no viable attack options where left for both of us.
  11. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    If you play FFA then it will end up mostly with turtling. It seems like a smart thing to do rather then risk being attacked by two or more people at once.

    In n vs. n battles you see a lot more then deathballs and nukes. You have so many options and so many ways to win. I will admit that most of these options are lacking balance and content, but there is a lot of choice.

    Saying there isn't any strategy to the game means that your not being challenged and not being forced to experiment.
  12. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    this thread should of had only one other post and the only thing in that post should have been the word "balancing."

    also you only have to captcha if you look like a bot
  13. lauri0

    lauri0 Member

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    Laser turrets are kind of ridiculous right now, but it will change once Uber implements line formations and starts looking at unit balance. Line formations allow for much more potent assault of turreted positions. In addition to that, currently unit HP is super low thoughout the unit roster(and damage super high, but that is irrelevant here due to the range of laser turrets), so that laser turrets just onehit tanks. If tanks don't have a good concave then whole blobs of them may die before the laser turret even takes a dent. This makes T1 laser turrets have absolutely ridiculous power vs T1 tanks.

    But like said, it probably won't stay that bad.
  14. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    There is no release date.

    And you have never played me. I've never been quad nuked in a game and the only time I was tripple nuked was one game ago.

    You say deathballs running around destroying part of the base is... bad? no strategy? what's your point? that we shouldn't have deathballs? instead we should have... single units running around?

    This game is about large scale combat.
  15. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    No, its not smart.
    Either someone who rushes from the beginning gets onto him, which means his death.
    Or the survivors of the first attack waves just run him over with their way bigger eco.

    Only option is to rush nukes or some obscure orbital tactics which, tbh, I have never seen to work out in an FFA except the very rare cases where people turtled unnoticed for some 30 minutes. But thats not their strategy working, its the others failing.

    n vs n games have a slight bit more options. I played some, not as much as 1v1 or FFAs, but what Ive seen there was basically the same. Just more of it. Seen some bombsnipes or armies advance their ground with a combination of buildings and units. Success varied ;)

    Ive played some people and their experiments results - all lost.
    Experimented myself, and lost.
    Theres one most efficient way to play for each situation, and that wins. Misjudge the situation and you get a good step closer to loosing.
    "Exotic" strategies usually dont work if your opponent knows what he is doing.

    That post would be missing some words like, "not beeing done" or "not possible due to incomplete unitset and game mechanics".
  16. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    The laser turret has 4 weaknesses, its range, its inability to shoot air, turret turn speed, and that it cant move. So to effectively win vs. turrets you have to abuse one of these. That means out range it, bomb it or run around it. If you cant do that and you have to attack it with units, then you abuse its turn rate. Position two blobs of units either side of the turret and then attack at once. The turret will waste a lot of time turning.

    After saying all that they are still too good. And now that Pelters are crazily strong with the most recent update, it will be very difficult to attack a more fortified position.
  17. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    ahahahahaha I wanted to like the post just because of this. ^v^-
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  18. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    FFA are bad for strategy because it depends more on luck and who people consider more of a threat. Rushing can work, but your often seen as a bigger threat and your ganged up on. So most people sit in there portion of the map not wanting to piss anyone off until they can wipe them off the planet.

    As for different strategies and play styles, I suggest we play a few games. I am happy to show you other ways to play the game (and win).
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  19. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    Sigh............There's 5 mins i can never get back. o_O
    Devland99 and Grimseff like this.
  20. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    "(the retail release in December)" - sounds like a release date to me.
    And thats just a quick search, theres for sure more about it around the forums.

    My point is that just spamming one kind of unit and floating a blob of it around isnt strategy.
    Make use of terrain features like elevations, real line of sight, impact of day and night - for example on power generation, battle for geothermal spots, real orbital system that forces you to coordinate your attacks,...
    Something in the line of this. Bits of it will come true as the game evolves during development and others wont ever.

    Sounds good, I would like to see different playstyles executed by a skilled player. Ill most likely loose a lot ;).

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