I just want a multi-transport unit for getting around a planet. There will be many different ways to get large numbers of units between planets, it just seems like there will be none for getting across a planet, and i dont think that the 'teleporters' is the correct solution. Many problems will come with an instant mass transport system across a planet, that are solved by the slow, vulnerable air transports (or naval transports).
it was linked to me, and i have no idea where it was from. but it was not a gameplay decision on their part, but a 'not enough resources and/or time to implement it because it is one of the hardest things to do'. Ill repost if i find the link.
I don't understand why cheap single-unit air transports or even naval transports can't fill the same role as multi-unit transports. So long as there is an area transport order, which I expect, it should be fine.
Yes but if they're going to fill the same role, why on earth wouldn't you make everyone's life easier and include true multi unit dropships? I dunno, it just seems a weird decision, it's not like they've caused major problems in other games and they open up a lot of dynamic and interesting strategies. Disappointing.
I wasn't suggesting having more radars, I was purposing changing the current radars functions to make them worth building. Personally the adv orbital radar and the new radar they just added seem to be the only ones worth having to me. Several times the community and the devs have talked about not having advanced units make basic units obsolete. Personally I would like to see that in the case of the radars. I think some should show dots only, while others give you more actual visibility of the map (seeing less fog). Then there is what layer they show you etc. Those are the kinds of things I was talking hoping to talk about.
I think the current radar setup is good (except for possibly replacing the radar dots with the strategic icons if it doesn't mess up the balance). But it would be helpful to have a radar system built into the scout units.
For me the current radar system isn't good enough. the basic land radar I never build because the scout plane seems better. The advanced radar I build If I don't think I will get to orbital fast enough. The basic orbital radar I haven't found a reason to build when can build the advanced orbital radar (Which obviously is the best one) and the new radar that lets you see deep space and the orbital layer of the current planet you are on seems a little silly. I think the new radar should only let you see the orbital layer of the planet you are on. I think the adv orbital radar we have now should show you deep space.
Maybe. It definitely would help if the radar dots were replaced with the strategic icons, and the changes that you suggested to orbital radars might also be useful. The only thing is the adv. orbital radar is quite expensive to both make and power so it really isn't feasible until quite late in the game.
basically you build basic power (20-30), then build about 8 adv power, then build 2 solar arrays and then an adv radar. maybe 8-10 minutes from start of game, I need to time it I suppose.
I would be very disappointed without multi-unit transports, I really hope that this is not the case in the final game.
I dont understand why there should only be single unit transports if there ARE area commands for it. I would prefer a single 6 unit dropship that costs a nice standard amount, than 6 single unit transports that cost less than an ant.
Exactly my point, it would be absurd to have to build a transport for every dox even if it was economically viable. Also I'm not sure where you heard that dropships wouldn't be in the game but I had a quick search and couldn't find anything, so I'm hoping you've been misinformed.
https://forums.uberent.com/threads/a-light-bulb-came-on.51138/page-2#post-783402 found it ^_^ maybe they will add it. But they might also get lazy with the idea and think that the game is good enough. I personally really do hope they add multiple unit transports because they are an integral part of every modern RTS and for good reason, they promote different gameplay
Sounds like it's a time and money concern which at least means they should add it in post release (when they'll have plenty of both )
Actually I think that's the plan seeing that the linked post includes: "Someday we'll add this but it's not required for the game and it's an ultra expensive feature. "
Considering this part of the post... "Multi unit transports could be done using that system but you wouldn't get the racks of dudes hanging off of the side shooting type of stuff" ...I would find it pretty cool to get a multi-unit transport, capable of interplanetary travel, that is fully "sealed" when in transit. After all I wouldn't think ground units would be designed to handle re-entry into an atmosphere (or at least it seems like a reasonable explanation ImO). But hey post release would still be pretty cool.
its been said a lot, but leave the reasoning for 'it would look cool' rather than something based on realism.