Black Hole Bomb

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by acurazum, October 16, 2013.

  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    jesus I can' believe any of you would be people lining up to play a game...

    the notion of fun seems so distant to you all :rolleyes:

    fun vs realism guys. I choose fun. what's the problem with it being an option? sandbox is an option, no-rush is an option?

    what's the problem with the black hole being visible? or not even remotely close to it's normal size? i sure as hell don't mind as long as I gat to say I ended a game that way. wth guys?
    acurazum likes this.
  2. spazzdla

    spazzdla Active Member

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    But... there is no possible way it is "viable".. like at all..

    I like my idea about the old school artifact the core uses to reset the universe.. INSTA WIN, but it would have to have like an hour build time and an hour charge time and announce it was chargeing.
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    yea, make it something like that. I dunno maybe part of the plan is you're supposed to build yourself a mega rocket to get your com the heck outa there and it will auto-launch when the black hole starts to assure your victory, because if you leave before, your units are commander-less and the enemy army would have a better shot at disengaging whatever causes the black hole ultimately resulting in their win and your surrender. Then if you have that it adds a strategical element where you can get a draw or stop the black hole cataclyst in one of many ways:
    one : you yourself build the rocket, you both leave.
    two : you intercept the rocket on it's way out and are engulfed together into the black hole.
    three: you destroy the rocket on the launch pad with the com inside it.
    four: you manage to disengage the cataclyst.

    it sets several assets and goals. similar to the strategical points that would be the weapons on the metal moon.

    not to mention, on a more sci-fi note, Jon Mavor and Steve Thompson on one of the first live streams said they'd consider the idea of having black holes serve as gateway between points in space.

    I quoted you because what you say there doesn't seemed opposed to the idea of black holes as a part of non-ranked gameplay at all. on the contrary there arn't many differences with this concept and that of the universe reset except it has even more strategical elements to play with.
  4. acurazum

    acurazum New Member

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    Thats your point of view ...
    and it's not about trolling its about if you go annihilation, then it has to be up to the top end
    speaking of realism, despite the realistic elements that this game have it's far from being so.
    But I guess you know science and realism better than me...
    Last edited: October 18, 2013
  5. acurazum

    acurazum New Member

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    hooray to the new user.
  6. verybad

    verybad Active Member

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    Sounds like a troll bomb to me. I know that's what I'd use it for.. I think an asteroid bomb is big enough. For solar system affecting weapons, perhaps a solar flare inducer.

    You can't make a black hole without a mass ten times that of our sun, and then it's generally going to go through a super nova first (which is going to get rid of all the planets in the system)

    Since there don't appear to be gravity affecting technologies in the game, then you can't have a Black Hole bomb. Personally, I could see the fun in it for a bit, but I can see the even greater griefer potential.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  7. acurazum

    acurazum New Member

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    Black Hole doesnt have to be created naturally by nature that is what you people miss here
    there is thing that called ARTIFICIAL that means doesnt have to be exactly what you've read in wikipedia and other sources.
    Last edited: October 18, 2013
  8. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Using a black hole bomb would destroy the entire universe (otherwise it wouldn't be a black hole bomb).

    By destroying the whole universe, it would destroy yourself as well, causing everyone to lose.

    So. Troll bomb.
  9. acurazum

    acurazum New Member

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    spazzdla likes this.
  10. Tankh

    Tankh Member

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    Yes it's called "Planetary Annihilation", not "Solar System Annihilation".

    I really think it's a bit excessive to start requesting bigger and bigger mass destruction weapons already.
    You can already propel moons in to other planets, which other RTS can do that???

    Also, the mass of the black hole would be exactly the same as the sun it was made out of so, like earlier mentioned, it wouldn't change anything except turn the lights off, but I guess we're not really trying for realism here (the planet engines are quite unrealistic already)
  11. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    I think the more options for gameplay, the better. Someone should feel free to choose a path in RTS that could be wrong... It creates different scenarios that are good for variety in the way one plays, and it defends against single tactic play.
    acurazum likes this.
  12. spazzdla

    spazzdla Active Member

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    I want to be able to "planet crack" drill a hole into the middle and blow it up via nukes. PLANETARY ANNIHILATION RAWR.

    The weapon will be called "Leaving on a Jet plane"
  13. zeekepoo

    zeekepoo New Member

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    I think that's way over the top. Not to mention, that would be very VERY taxing on the GPU/RAM of most lower end computers, resulting in the game crashing. But, perhaps they could add something like planting a bomb that generates a black hole in the core of a specific planet and just sucks it into oblivion (Like Star Trek) :) That would be pretty cool.
  14. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Eminently quotable
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  15. acurazum

    acurazum New Member

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    Sun is the tool for Planetary Annihilation. ;)

    The black hole can be artificial [modyfied(If you're seeking for realism)] doesn't have to be made by nature

    Its Uber Entertainment, I'm sure that 'Uber' stands for what it means :))
  16. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    jesus I can' believe any of you would be people lining up to play a game...

    the notion of fun seems so distant to you all :rolleyes:

    fun vs realism guys. I choose fun. what's the problem with it being an option? sandbox is an option, no-rush is an option?

    what's the problem with the black hole being visible? or not even remotely close to it's normal size? i sure as hell don't mind as long as I gat to say I ended a game that way. wth guys?
  17. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    I don't understand why people are so fixated on black holes. Its boring and it isn't realistic (I mean its too unrealistic that it would break immersion).

    Instead why not have some doomsday device that blows up stars and incinerates whole solar systems. However you still have the issue of you losing on purpose and it being silly and unusable.
  18. verybad

    verybad Active Member

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    Whether it's doable through tech isn't the point, it's a troll tool first and foremost. It's imminently grief-able.

    While I want about 3 trillion options in this game, I want space warfare, I want super units, and so on, I want the game to be fun, not just for me, but for my opponents and my co-players. A weapon that destroys the playfield and makes everyone lose is a troll tool, it would be used by people that enjoy ruining other people's fun. The same kind of people that think watching kittens get microwaved on the internet is amusing because it upsets other people.
    BulletMagnet likes this.
  19. omniao

    omniao Active Member

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    This is a good Idea for galactic warfare, but never for regular gameplay right now.
    I've thought about this, if there was a weaker black hole bomb that just Edited the trajectories of planets, it would be fine.
  20. slywynsam

    slywynsam Active Member

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    Anything that grants the losing player the ability to asspull and win on a technicality(We're both dead but I did it so I win!) is terrible game design.

    Being able to blow up stars and completely annihilate planets(du u c wat eye did thar) is completely awesome.

    But they should not be game enders. It's just too abusable.

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