It's time to talk unit ideas

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by neutrino, September 30, 2013.

  1. ascythian

    ascythian Member

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    Doomsday Device was cooler.
  2. nuendo

    nuendo New Member

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    I don't know if you use inspiration from other games/movies, but I saw this movie: "Pacific Rim" the other day and it has some of the most badass Mech's I have ever seen.
    Especially looking at the Jaeger Mk3 I am really blown away by its awesome mechanical functionality. Also it has some awesome weapons up the sleeve - check out the movie.

    Its the big one in the middle.

    NOTICE: Don't click the link if you don't want to spoil the movie!

    Best thing about this one is the Nuclear Vortex Turbine - The heart (engine) of the Mech!
    Also some detailed info on the different weapons/engines/general data for alot of Mechs (even some not in the movie).

    If you like extremely big Mechs, good action and Transformers. Pacific rim is movie for you.
    Last edited: October 15, 2013
  3. Ohmwrecker

    Ohmwrecker New Member

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    Here are some of my ideas:

    - Sonic (and/or Flame) Tank - Tank with area of effect damage over time in an arc when deployed

    - Laser Tank / Mech - Armed with a laser beam that takes time to charge up to full damage, but once charged can retain potency against other new / immediate targets

    - Missile Launcher - Think modern day MRLS, lobs a series of rockets at a target (or into fog of war), lots of splash with moderate damage at each impact site.

    - Explosive Bot - High speed explosive unit with moderate damage individually, easily countered by fast firing defenses / units

    - Spider Mine Bot - Mobile deployable mine units with invisibility, and a small but high powered AOE blast

    - Burrow Bot - Weak (and dangerous only in numbers), can burrow, and dig back up at a specified location, can be used to bypass front line defenses.

    - Mini-nuke Artillery - Mobile top tier, long range shell based mini-nuke lobber (1/4 of the AOE of a standard nuke) with long reloads & FF

    - Scramble Bombers - Exceptionally fast high power fuel-air like bomb strike from orbit, but slow return after dropping payload

    - Orbital Earthquake Generator - Wide area light damage AOE that accumulates over time, especially against structures or static armies.

    - Orbital Ion Cannon - Upon activation, a very high damage beam can be controlled via satellite movement for 5 seconds

    - Nuclear Submarine - Can build a nuke like a land launcher, just in a more stealthy manner

    - Cruise Missile Destroyer - Exceptionally long range anti-structure missiles, requires vision, no defenses against units
    chronosoul likes this.
  4. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    How about some kind of vehicle that can drill and dig underground tunnels to ambush units that are careless enough to walk above it?
  5. lapantouflemagic

    lapantouflemagic Active Member

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    i didn't say it in my previous posts, but it's true that the laser of the monkeylords in SC was awesome, i'd like to seen some kind of similar weapon, not necessarily on something huge, but on some kind of T2 unit it could be great.
    iron420 likes this.
  6. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    So many great ideas here people!
    Nightovizard and zweistein000 like this.
  7. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Happy to help out it's fun to do this, would it be possible for a live stream of you guys debating pros and cons of ideas so if you ask again we have an idea of what is possible and what isn't?
    ulight likes this.
  8. gnarlytrader

    gnarlytrader New Member

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    I did a search for "hack" and didn't find anything along the lines of having a unit designated to hacking enemy units and taking control of them or giving them a virus.
  9. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    Would be neat to have an effect similar to in the first starcraft, where you could put a parasite on enemy units. That unit would give you line of site. When clicked on it was marked as "infected" in which case the player would know if they pay attention, and kill the unit.
    A recon hack would be super cool.
  10. lapantouflemagic

    lapantouflemagic Active Member

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    yup, a short review of ideas you like in the next livestream would be nice :)

    (and is the megabot experiment still somewhere in the crates ?)
  11. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Oh wait, I almost forgot.

    Bot Cavalry - Allows vehicles to transport a single bot. Doesn't really benefit either the bot or the vehicle, but it's AWESOME.
    cwarner7264 and corteks like this.
  12. vymun

    vymun New Member

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    I started going a bit crazy there, i'm not used to the program i'm using right now but here's some concept for an orbital factory. i put a green box inside because i didnt really want to mock up a unit in there (block was simpler and relayed the idea.
    I was thinking that if we dont want orbit super cluttered with factories these could be linked side by side, perhaps up to four of them, maybe tie their production to the egg?
    anyway i'll get to work on another concept in a bit
    Edit: hmm a factory isnt much of a unit, but with the possible expansion of orbital it should really go beyond launching a rocket into orbit everytime, space telescope and orbital dropship next?
    Image005.jpg Image006.jpg Image007.jpg Image005a.jpg Image005a2.jpg Image005a1.jpg
    Last edited: October 16, 2013
    iron420 and donagh13 like this.
  13. donagh13

    donagh13 New Member

    Likes Received:
    -> Radar jammer
    -> Mobil radar
    -> Light tank, with lasers
    -> Crawling bomb, the fast kind
    -> Large mobile AA Guns
    -> Long ranged air defense missiles, the ones from TA spring
    -> Bring back the Warlord, biggest Core ship in Total Annihilation
    The Core had another cool weapon called "The Can" it had lots of armor and a big laser.
    -> The Can, Bot
    -> Deflector shield
    -> Lager more ominous sections of wall, with spikes.
    -> dual weapon units. Heavy tank with big gun and short range lasers or lasers on bombers
    -> light lasers towers
    -> lasers shooting air vehicles
    -> I love lasers
    -> Stealth ship (hides from radar)
    -> Combat sub
    -> Anti sub ship
    -> Geothermal plants
    -> Stealth fighters (air)
    -> amphibious tanks
    -> amphibious bots
    -> high energy blaster for commander or D-gun
    -> Orbital fab in orbit
    -> Anti nuke tank or bot
    -> Teleporter gateway
    -> Advanced heavy laser bot (the can)

    I just saw unit so I made a list. Can there be more lasers please
  14. donagh13

    donagh13 New Member

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    The CAN
  15. donagh13

    donagh13 New Member

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    I just played a game in the sea with ships.
    I think that the ships should be fatter and shorter, its too clumsy navigating them around while they are so long. They are also quite slow I think that they should be much faster.
    There needs to be more guns on the ships or a particular class of ship that has tones of anti-air weapons.
    There needs to be a T2 versatile Medium class ship with Medium cannons and a medium bow laser and maybe even depth charges. The Concorrer from Total annihilation is what I'm thinking of it needs to be in the game.
  16. luxun17

    luxun17 New Member

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    I love the inside planet channel idea! It could create some excellent surprise attacks and break some turtle situations.
    (actually like the nydus worm is sc2)
  17. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    Definitely the hover tank.
    iron420 likes this.
  18. svovlmunk

    svovlmunk Member

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    Orbital structures need to somehow be differentiated from orbital units, so they are not just floating around like everything else. So here's an idea:

    1) The Orbital Launcher can build and launch a Space Station Core.
    2) The Core can build Orbital Engineers.
    3) The Orbital Engineers can build Space Station modules, like the above mentioned Orbital Factories, linking them all to the Space Station Core.
    4) I'm thinking there could be a Space Elevator module that could be linked to the Core/Factories enabling units to be transported down to the planet. Maybe even a storage module that can be used to house a massive amount of tanks, so they can be deployed én masse. Maybe this storage module can even have engines so it can be used as an interplanetary transport, linking to a space station being built around another planet.
    5) There could be anti-orbital-fighter turrets, Space-Artillery modules and stuff bringing some more interesting strategy to the orbital layer, so its not just about who has the most orbital fighters.
    6) The Space Station Core can move around and fly to other planets, but when construction has started on some modules it is fixed in geo-syncronous orbit.
    ryan375 and corteks like this.
  19. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    This is another idea borrowed from my own total conversation idea, but how about:


    A unit built like a structure from a t1 fabber, that another unit can attach it to them to move it. It slows the attached unit down but the unit brings it with them like a moving miniturret. Fires both by itself sitting stationary, or attached to the unit but when fired makes the unit stationary.

    Use to bring extra firepower to a more sustained fight, or to bring defenses your units can set up ahead of a fight and fall back on.
  20. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    You're ideas are good, but do we really want orbital layer to function as another ground layer? TBH the only orbital structure I'd maybe like to see in this game is the space elevator - as a kind of advanced orbital construction structure, but I'd much rather see the concept of orbital left as is and all the advanced stuff get build on planet and then launched into orbit.

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