When can we expect a new patch?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Arachnis, October 15, 2013.

  1. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    Seriously, just tell us :)

    So I can stop sitting in front of my computer waiting for it.
    I know you're probably working as hard as humanly possible and I know that you have to be very careful in what informations you release. But, as you may know most people, including me, really can't wait for new units (especially the unit cannon) to arrive in this game.

    To be honest, I was watching the latest livestream and I was really into the HDR thing. But I was expecting a lot more talk about upcoming gameplay features, which we don't know anything about atm. I was very disappointed to see Mavor dodging the livestream to avoid having to answer questions there. Sorry, if I misstate things, but it certainly looked that way.

    It's ok if you need more time, but it would be MUCH appreciated if you'd simply communicate a bit more about your works and progress.

    Give us some facts, please.

    gadarn, stawos and LavaSnake like this.
  2. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    looks like you're new on these forums. Basically, Uber never provides commitment regarding when the next patch is coming in. We've been used to have one solid patch on a weekly basis. considering the previous one has been delivered at the end of last week (+one intermediate fix delivered by the weekend), then consider the end of the week as possibly being the next patch release. But do not complain if it does not come :) Uber is anyway working hard on the game on a fulltime basis. the longer you wait the more fixes you get :)
    gadarn likes this.
  3. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    Yes, I'm not complaining about how fast they work, I'm just disappointed by the lack of communication.
  4. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    It's just because you're not used to this. But overtime we've all learnt (all of us playing since the very beginning of alpha) that Uber does not communicate on this and concentrate its energy on building the game. trust me, since the very beginning of alpha we've been used to get a solid big new release on a weekly basis :)
    LavaSnake likes this.
  5. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    While I'm also EXCITEDLY awaiting the next patch (especially any new units and commanders), I have found Uber to be GREAT at communication. From my own experience programming I know that schedules and planned release dates are really just guesses and this is beta so things change quite fast. Uber tries to keep us up to date on their progress through the live streams, backers-only forum posts, and the news feed on the PA site. Just remember that they're working hard and will tell us of any news. ;)
  6. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    I think I was talking a bit about how disappointed I was with the last livestream...
    They were basically giving us a glimpse at HDR, then saying: we will play a game, with nothing changed but a new commander model (as if that alone was worth making a livestream for).
    Then going on to answer questions, but being unable to answer most of them, because Mavor, the one that could have answered those, was sitting behind a computer playing the game. I mean: what the f...? :)

    Let me phrase it this way: if you have nothing to show us, then why make a livestream in the first place? Instead you should've just posted some screenshots on the forums showing those neat HDR graphics and that new commander, and skip the livestream entirely.

    I don't say that the livestreams are a bad thing in general. I'm just saying that if you want to do a livestream, then either make it worthwhile or delay it until you're able to.
    Last edited: October 15, 2013
    matty999 likes this.
  7. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    Well, they've been working on performance a ton recently so new units is on the back burner for a little.
  8. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Thanks this is really motivating.
    Quitch, extraammo, gadarn and 2 others like this.
  9. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    I'm sorry, I love you guys and I love this game. But I felt like some criticism is necessary here. I just couldn't understand why Mavor wasn't there to answer the questions from the chat. Instead your community manager was like "I'm not the right person to talk about this". It really felt like you were dodging us.
    LavaSnake likes this.
  10. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I have the feeling the intend of the live streams currently is more to advertise among people who don't yet play PA. So there is no reason to show something that is new to us regular PA junkies.
    Showing of "that" new awesome feature X in a live stream is probably rather hard to plan out so it is timed well. It's easier to just spit out new features as a patch instead.
  11. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    That's alright. But my criticism still stands: Why put people in front of the camera to answer our questions, if those people are unable to answer them? Also some bits of information on what you guys are working on atm would really be appreciated. But I've already read above that you probably won't tell us.
    Last edited: October 15, 2013
  12. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    But we did show new *in development* stuff like HDR. It's just that it's not enough, everyone wants MOAR!

    If we don't do a live stream for a while people are like "wtf, why isn't uber showing us stuff". If we do one that doesn't have enough stuff people are like "why are they wasting our times with live streams that don't show a bunch of new stuff". This is called the kobayashi maru scenario. It's simply not possible to please all of our critics, so at same level I have to just ignore the neg.
    Grimseff, eep, extraammo and 10 others like this.
  13. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Criticism is easy. Doing stuff is hard. Hence your criticism of those of us who are actually trying to do something. Seriously, lighten up, it's a videogame.
    gadarn, Corang, shotforce13 and 4 others like this.
  14. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    In all seriousness, you guys at Uber are great and I'm amazed at how hard you work. You've already made a great game and I know more awesomeness is coming soon. I'm also thankful for how you guys communicate with the community so well. Thanks!
  15. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    I agree with jon, if your going to criticize why not do it in a helpful way,
    In example,
    I myself personally am a crap animator (i have been learning for about a week) but if i wanted to critisize i would do it like so.

    Hi uber i have noticed when planets smash they lack a little luster at the moment!
    Maybe when you have time to implement things adding a little shattering effect to the asteroid may help make things look a little more BOOMish. :)
    Here's an animation i made to demostrate.

    :) maybe criticizing like this may be more useful to those who are working their asses off to bring you entertainment.

    (Also Jon, i think the game is fine i was only using that criticism as an example)
    archcommander and LavaSnake like this.
  16. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    In the very first post of this thread I mentioned that
    I know that Mavor and others do extra hours on the job and are doing their best on this. I don't know how much I can strain this, but I have not once in this thread criticised the work you guys are doing, not with one word. I have only stated how I'd wish for more communication between the devs and the community on what gameplay elements and units are to be expected in the future, or at least a notion on when to expect those informations.
    HDR is really nice and all, and I won't underestimate the amount of work put into it, nor it's importance to the actual game. But it's not the information I've been hoping for.

    We all know that the graphics will be improved, and we're happy and grateful about it. But we know like nothing about upcoming units, planned changes to balance, orbital warfare and the galactic war. You've said yourself, if I'm not mistaken, that this process of development will be different because it is a kickstarter.
    The backing community will be able to participate in this with their own ideas. So you might want to give us a hint on what we can expect in the future and on how you imagine the game to be in it's final form, so we can share our ideas with you and participate in the development. Wouldn't that be a much richer interaction than just creating a thread where you ask us for our unit ideas, without responding to them?

    To react to my criticism by calling it easy, while asserting that I criticised your work, which I didn't, is imo childish and does injustice to a well founded argument. Either that, or you've only read half of it.

    Last edited: October 15, 2013
    matty999 likes this.
  17. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    IMO i thought you were criticizing the live stream,
    I agree it wasn't as informative as the last few live streams, but saying " if you have nothing to show us, then why make a livestream in the first place?" is criticism!! unless im reading it wrong!!

    I would have put it more like,
    Maybe in your next live stream if jon can't be there to answer questions, how about having a scripted set of topics for brad or whoever is talking to use, and have answers to some common questions written down in advance, also maybe you could throw in some extra hints on upcoming units and cools stuff we don't know about yet.

    That would be far more informative to the dev's and those putting the live stream on.
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  18. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    And I like that. Looks pretty.
    maxpowerz likes this.
  19. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    Yes it's criticism, and I won't deny that. But I've never criticised their work on the game. I think they did a great job so far.
  20. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    When can we expect a new patch? i can tell you.

    Working your *** of doesn't have an ETA.
    dogyaut and LavaSnake like this.

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