It's time to talk unit ideas

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by neutrino, September 30, 2013.

  1. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Orbital kamikaze units just drop down and explode
  2. jacoby6000

    jacoby6000 Member

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    Would be interesting.
  3. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Thank you for taking my idea and making it even better
  4. themindlessone

    themindlessone Member

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    Sorry if something like this has already been suggested but 20 plus pages is too many to read through.

    I would like a unit that radiates electrical interference in a focused direction. Any enemy that is hit has the potential to suffer a malfunction depending upon how much exposure to the radiation the unit has recieved. E.g. it cant target effectivly. Or it looses the ability to move or starts to move eraticly.

    The longer the exposure the more malfunctions occur. Ultimately either rendering the unit permanently disabled. Or changing its alignment to your team.

    Having multiple sabotage bots target the same enemy should increase the frequency of the malfunctions.

    A malfunctioning unit needs to be repaired to correct the problems. This could have interesting consequences if there is a unit you want to save. But its drive has been disabled. You might then choose to mount a rescue mission. With a repair bot and and escort.
    Last edited: October 11, 2013
  5. banaman

    banaman Member

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    didn't want to post this in the megabots discussion because it did kind of lean towards this thread more then it did that one, really.

    ... now there's an idea... megaships, that when constructed, are targetable and controllable like small asteroids with thrusters, with the appropriate systems as structures on it, so can be disabled/captured/destroyed by landing forces on it just as much as hitting it like anything else. would be a nice stepping stone between 'normal units' and 'metal planet death rays'

    the downside to it is, compared to just "jury rigging" an asteroid, is the costs for it is going to be immense.
    the upside to it is, you can give it roles that will be specific to it, rather then just building stuff on an asteroid.
    no metal deposits would be available on it however. instead it comes prebuilt with things like umbrellas for weapons, halleys for thrusters, turrets for anti ground defense)
    iron420 likes this.
  6. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I don't see how it's any different to an asteroid to be honest;, all the stuff you list working on the "ship" should work just as well on an Asteroid ideally.

  7. ghost1107

    ghost1107 Active Member

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    How about stealth tanks, stealth bomber stealth submarine, only invisible for radar and don't have unit icons for enemies. Not as strong as the normal T2 variant but excellent for sneak attacks.
  8. stevenrs11

    stevenrs11 Active Member

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    Something I would like to see is a different type of distinction between basic and advanced than how games generally do it.

    In supcom there is typically a directly improved variant of the lower tech unit in higher tech levels, its only downsides being cost/time to build. Instead, I think that the 'basic' units in PA should be the bread and butter units that throughout the game will remain the core of an army. So instead of upgrading all my little tanks to big tanks, the basic units remain the bulk fighting force of an army, while the advanced units do unique, specialized things.

    So my basic AA thing does a decent job against most flying things. In addition, there are 3 or 4 advanced variants that each are far better at one thing, but worse at the others. Or maybe they suffer some other disadvantage that makes using them a bit more circumstantial, so that it requires advanced planning.

    For a tanks, the basic version would have decent health, speed, turning rate, and damage. The advanced versions, on the other hand, would be vastly different. Instead of the leveler being just an upgraded version of the basic tank, give it massively front-loaded damage and slow turret traversal. This gives it a special niche, and if played correctly, would be faaar more effective than using basic tanks to do something similar.

    They key is that mass for mass, and if both armies are controlled with similar skill levels, an army composed purely of basic units should always defeat an army composed entirely of a single type of advanced unit. The advantages come into play when you combine different advanced units to cover each others weaknesses over a core group of basic units.
  9. schwapp6000

    schwapp6000 New Member

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    somethink to move units betwen planets somethink like an orbital dropship ....
    an T2 lounch platform for orbital units that can build a smal space station and some bigger orbital units like an rocket, like said bevore that lounches and stay in orbit or move it to an other planet and smash them into them and then there will be an turret or an smal fatory that can only build smal units ....
    so wen you lounch the space station that the station will be like an factory were you can build orbital transporters and how to loard them up? put some units in an container that can be build at the T2 lounch tower and ( like 5-10 units in 1 container) in orbit you can grab that container with that transporter. arivet at the planet it bil drop down the container on the surface and the units will deploy.
    (my english is not the best because im german)
  10. Infrabasse

    Infrabasse Active Member

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    How did you like my Orbital troop transport with tether on previous page?
  11. lapantouflemagic

    lapantouflemagic Active Member

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    i understand your point, actually i don't especially like his idea either, but i agree it would be interesting to be able to build orbital space stations that would be able to move between planets. as for now, there isn't an unlimited number of asteroids per solar system, what if they are all taken by different team ?
    we can't just answer that by saying "you're toast, noob", you should still be able to build something that could serve as an interplanetary invasion force or something that would pack enough firepower/production to give you a decent chance of continuing the game despite an asteroid impact. the orbital assault factory for exemple idea is a good answer to that issue. (described it on top of page 20)
  12. Infrabasse

    Infrabasse Active Member

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    We'll have to see what the egg looks like
  13. schwapp6000

    schwapp6000 New Member

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    yeah but dont like that with that tow ... but how that works with that capsule come down somethink like that would be grate
  14. Dualsweat

    Dualsweat New Member

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    SNIPER BOTS! Like in TA!
    archcommander likes this.
  15. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    How about kind of like a T2 Orbital Launcher unit section?
    I'd like the idea of an orbital carrier that moves very slowly and acts as a repair and launch station for orbital fighters. Maybe it could even be dropping bombs on the ground or something. It should be kind of a flagship for orbital warfare, because orbital warfare is only about fighters vs fighters atm, and I'd like it to be a little more interesting than that.


    Edit: Man I've just seen somebody mentioning an orbital dropship. Suddenly it feels like my post is redundant.
  16. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I'm really hoping you can shoot crawling bombs out of a unit cannon and have them explode on impact.
  17. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Surely thats just a massive cannon.....
  18. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Except you only have to build one unit cannon, which you can then use in creative ways. I'm not saying it would be better in every situation, but I really like the idea that this sort of emergent gameplay could have its place.
  19. schwapp6000

    schwapp6000 New Member

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    exactly what i sayed
  20. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    That seems like a really cool idea. Although you always have to look at an idea and ask the balance question.

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