SC2 Player got questions about release.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Muukzor, October 9, 2013.

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  1. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    Tryin' to but people accusing me of random stuff ain't cute.

    Starcraft 2 is a huge game with a huge e-sport community and an amazing gameplay. All we have seen in Planetary Annihilation compared to Starcraft is so bad that it is barely even compareable at all. Interesting concept though so it may still be enjoyable when you're tired of Starcraft. Don't even try to think that PA is even close to what Starcraft is. But it have room to expand. Just that none cares enough to make a change.
  2. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    1: A discussion came up. Hope you noticed.

    2: Not all. More like 60-70%. But you may still try to convince people. I am just saying I believe this is the way to go. People may say otherwise.

    3: I'll wait for a price reduction or a sale?

    4: I already know. This is just a discussion.
  3. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Didn't they already explicitly state it was a $40 title on release?

    Also, don't be that guy. Don't be the guy who goes onto a game-he-doesn't-like's forum and starts saying "MY GAME IS BETTER" and "I'm not buying this sh*t". It more than anything tarnishes your own image and your game's community's image, making you come across as petty and bitter.
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  4. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    I am not. I like the game concept. It was just when he said that Sc2 was garbage. I can't handle that. Also I will probably buy the game, just not instantly. I just wanted to see the communitys thought on F2P and other things.
  5. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    If you can't handle when someone insults your game, you should probably man the hell up. I play Uber's other game, Super MNC, I have 900 hours in it. People tell me it's a garbage, dead game ALL the time.
    Large-Scale RTS simply doesn't translate into F2P well. You can't monetise units because that creates an unfair advantage to payers, and you can't use Skins because well, you're going to be looking from a view so far up most of the time, it doesn't make a difference. And Free 2 Play only works in pretty uncommon circumstances. LoL did well, World of Tanks does well, but look at other games that went F2P; they're all doing... okay-ish, but no better than any traditional pay-to-play game. And Uber needs a solid income from customers from this game - very small indie companies take a huge risk going F2P - Riot got lucky because there was a gap in good DotA-successors, and with Valve, TF2 started paid and was hugely popular, Dota was going to succeed because it's Dota, and both could be subsidised by Valve's other games + Steam income.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    ok I hate to break it to you guys muukzor, Gorbles

    but LoL and HoN aren't exempt from pay2win. It's good that you think that, the world needs consumers otherwise we'd all be in trouble, likewise Riot needs money on their table.

    you both know how these games are. You play 'em, you're good at them, you like to relish the fact you're good at them, a new champion comes out, he's the stuff, you gotta have 'im, you made almost enough credits but you still need a day more to be able to purchase him. you buy him with real money, because you can't wait 'till the raffle's over, you need to keep being good, and boy does having the new champ on day one help that out, 'specially since they come out at the rate of one per 2weeks. God knows there's never been a champion without a post-release nerf to come with it, and it's a common agreement. and the wheel keeps turning. and you're never going to miss purchasing a new champion even if every once in a blue moon you have to use real money, and that's the way it is and it's fine.

    It just comes from another world than simulated projectile RTS, if you present it to simulated projectile RTS it could be exposed to some alien virus it's not immune too.

    Short answer, there is no context in which F2P wouldn't kill PA's enjoyability and it's E-sports candidacy
    Last edited: October 10, 2013
  7. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    You can use skins. They will be cool in close combat. Also there are other solutions. UIs, Voices, more.

    Starcraft 2 could go F2P if they wanted to. Generals will go F2P. There's possibilities.
  8. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    then you are some kind of genius that Blizzard should hire and neither they nor I know about it, quick! before time runs out, go give them your resume
  9. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    There's a reason Hearthstone is F2P aswell. No I'm not a genius. Blizzard can go F2P with Starcraft 2 if they want. But I think they would rather wait for Legacy Of The Void and then see if it would be worth it or not later on. They can't disband the plan they already have and are working on.
  10. hanspeterschnitzel

    hanspeterschnitzel Active Member

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  11. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    either way it's not comparable, you seem to want to refuse understanding that PA is not mainstream. it's presented to you this way, yes. but that is a marketing ruse that we much need.

    You don't say "hey come on over to my AWESOME party, it's me and jim right now but if you join I can say it's me jim and you and so on and so forth until we're millions!" that doesn't sell, jim, upon seeing, you're a looser will make up some clumbsy excuse and ditch you for party n°2 next door : "hey come on over to our million-people party!"

    the real deal is there's not that many people (as of now) when you compare it to stracraft II or LoL

    another explanation slide about the inexplicable yet factually true relation between people numbers and money:

    smosh makes video on youtube, acess to youtube is free, acess to the video is free, people acess the video, smosh gets nothing for it. smosh breaks and sets (until psy) the record for most seen video..... $$money$$???

    of course partnerships were set up with youtube groups that were intrinsically linked with their own advertising or some other very transparent, inderect way of making money.

    but all of this is not visible to us. so we get the impression that free works.
    I really have nothing against the idea, but I feel this statement becomes particularly false when the amount of work (and technical beauty) put into the said product is quadrupled or multiplied much much more. (I hinted at this above)
    Last edited: October 10, 2013
  12. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    You live in denial and you're a douchebag. Nothing else to say.

    I know PA is not mainstream. The entire idea was to increase the player base. Charging people 50$ won't do that.

    A good product will bring in new people. If players enjoy the game, more and more will join. With a bad product none will come.
  13. hanspeterschnitzel

    hanspeterschnitzel Active Member

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    This product is good. This is no small game. This is a normal game developed by a game-development team.
    And hey, I am a douchebag just like you. :D
  14. Introcade

    Introcade New Member

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    but that does not work for PA because its 50$? hard to see the logic there....
  15. Teod

    Teod Well-Known Member

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    40$. And slightly bigger possible playerbase is not worth the risk of either unbalancing the game or not making any money. This is a niche game, it doesn't matter if it will be free or even if we will pay people for playing it, we will not have population of LoL or Starcraft. Imagine Dark Souls being F2P. There would still not be significantly more players, because of YOU DIED and stuff.
    But the population that we do have is willing to pay for the game.
    Yes. And this is exactly why Uber should focus on making a better game and not on selling it. Good game will sell itself. And free-to-play model forces developers into decisions which will not make the game better.
  16. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I like that my method is making a dent in your comprehension carapace.

    okay so we have PA = small starting player base. good.

    now let me explain how making PA free would have meant no game and how making it free would mean no game, (I'll just nick a second of time here to say it's 40$).
    Okay, here we have a game that aims to be the _wallpaper__glorious_pc_gaming_master_race_by_admiralserenity-d5qvxos.png 's joytoy (no that sounds wrong) fanservice (ok now it's too late) uhm... wet dream come true? (let's roll with it, it's too late)

    {let's pick this point to point out that this project has no editor and is self-funded by a company that isn't that rich. (some will say big deal, I say it started the trend and a while ago, noone would have considered doing such a foolhardy thing with such a collosal, pretentious, gigantic mass-bluffer of a project).}

    this has a lot of implications : first of all, that you're going to have to have a high the highest, higher than there ever was before "maximum" for everything, every aspect of the game, having a low enough "low" to each of those has importance too, but only for increasing the playerbase; not everyone can afford the god-rig.

    you then look at playability, and competitivety. Those are game elements too and the GPCGMR likes his cofee hot, a lot of crumpets and definately, definately, exactness. some would like to say perfection but the word has been censored here to ease in our concept, and because the GPCGMR needs to stop always being so self-absorbant.

    this means by no account can we allow for any amount of artifacts/other random results of client-client data comparison errors (which LoL has suitcases of, and yet it continues to bother noone and the E-sports continues, well hey....). by no account can victory even slightly be influenced by money. ever.

    strange/hard to consider, but the money always ends up flowing in, somewhere, somehow. If companies didn't do what needs to be done to get money... well actually that does happen... those companies go bankrupt.

    I'm going to stop here because as we know students have a limitted attention span and these must be punctured with breaks, but essentially I explicitited both the reasons why money was needed for this particular project to exist in the first place and if, supposing for the sake of theory we put Uber on the starting blocks with money that came out from nowhere and we were to concieve a PA run on a F2P system, the game would loose more than the "extra" public it would have gained by being free.

    homework : study how the word free is spelled "free"
    Last edited: October 10, 2013
  17. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    On that point Cola_Colin we do want to have such tournaments but I was curious as to which 'payment' method has been used already (or to gather funds) for tournaments? Paypal?
    Last edited: October 10, 2013
  18. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    In my case I got 2 inner EU bank transfers from oxide. Dunno about others, but I heard that indeed some used paypal.
    archcommander likes this.
  19. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    tl;dr F2P is not some magical scheme that gets you millions of players and moneys and b*tches.

    If you can't afford a game, tough. PA is cheaper than most games when it's on release (I'm told the standard is $60 for new games in the US).
    cwarner7264 and tatsujb like this.
  20. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    the leech! so that's how he's been winning! :D

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