SC2 Player got questions about release.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Muukzor, October 9, 2013.

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  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    you can compare PA to SC2 all you want in my opinion, PA would do well with vampirizing SC2's E-sports chair and player base.

    aren't you a long ways from your neighborhood? you look lost.
    that's nothing when you compare it to all simulated projectile RTSes player base lumped together.

    were talking factors of a thousand
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    F2P/Micro Transactiones aren't ideal for every game in existence.

    You're not thinking about this like a game designer, you're just blindly parroting "LOL Is Free and has skins and new characters so the same will work in PA" when you CAN'T do the same thing, LOL and PA have some very big fundamental differences that you assume don't matter.

    You're also dealing with a very portion of the players when dealing with RTS as compared to MOBA(or whatever the term is nowadays) and the actual Market for the genres is very different.

    To be fair, Uber is going to be using some of the same philosophies that Riots seems to use such as providing consistent content updates post launch, but that's a different matter entirely.

  3. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    I can compare them. It is the same style. Also I am comparing them. For you as a bad Starcraft player that's your thinking and point of view. Me as top 200 don't have the same thoughts. That is alright because I won't go into Sc2 macro with you. You can believe whatever you want but in the end they are both RTSes with the same goal. Maybe not similar playstyle but you achive the win the same way. If this makes any sense at all...

    That's another issue. People can just leave their league and play bronzies... can't do that on League.
  4. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    Skins already exist for this game. Skins are not hard to make. An ingame store is not hard to make. Getting alot of extra money and fans is not hard to get. You just have to have the ******* will to implement it and work on making skins that make me think, GOSH I WANT THIS. It's not hard to implement in a RTS. I am maybe not thinking as a game designer but BLIZZARD ALREADY DID THIS. Only different thing is that they gave the skins away if you bought the collectors edition. Why not just put them up in a store for 5-10$ each instead and make it F2P? There we go! Alot of money! Go go!

    If blizzard can do it. So can Uber Entertainment with the will to do so.


    Also I know about the ''the fansize is so small so this will be bad!'' thing but making it f2p with an interesting ingame store without ingame advantages is the way to increase the fan base. I know alot of people that played WC3 and SC2 would be into something like this. Just because the fan base is small now doesn't mean people can try it out. That's the issue. None wants to pay for this game when they have no idea how fun it is to their WC3/Sc2. 50$ ? They'd rather do something else for that. There's where we come in and make it F2P, they try it, actually enjoy it and bam, those 50$ goes into ingame features! Win Win!
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    See again, you're assuming what Riot did is the same as what Blizzard did(technically what blizzard did isn't really the same thing as unit skins, more like unit alterations), but it's not. Also how does PA already have Unit skins? It doesn't.

    And if Uber does start selling skins, what happens when Modders create as good or better content? Paying for a skin might work if there isn't an alternative, but bot where there are as good or better free options available. Again, Skins don't work the same in a game like PA even compared to StarCraft.

  6. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    I think he's referring to Alpha, Beta and custom commanders.
  7. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    I am not assuming what Riot did is the same as what Blizzard did. Blizzard made really badass skins that made me purchase the Collectors Edition because they looked so great. Riot sell them weekly for 10-15$. If blizzard would begin selling them, they would earn alot of more money on SC2. But instead they give them away as a gift to the fans they love.

    Also about modding, just don't let people mod the character models? Just gameplay and so on.
  8. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Then he's wrong if Neutrino still plans to carry through on his Ability concept, and even if not that doesn't rule out he use of more basic stats to make the Commanders different like as was seen in SupCom.

    Yet Blizzard loves making money, so if it's such an obvious way to make money why haven't they done it? It's not like they're lacking staff or money or anything really because it's Blizzard.

    So basically you want to remove major aspects of Modding just so you can pay for skins?

    Last edited: October 10, 2013
  9. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    First off, ftp is very risky if it doesn't cater to the braindead masses. Second off, I am a command and conquer fan, and I agree with you it should die if they don't figure out how to make it work like it did because the new stuff is crap. They need to make a sequel to C&C Renegade, and they need to make a game that combines the original game with the style of C&C 3 because while it wasn't amazing I thought it was worthy of playing. Expecially the scrin.

    Ask for this game, It shows great promise, but you should get it when it is cheaper. I think you would enjoy playing it just for a change of flavor if anything. If it miraculously strikes you as something really addicting and you feel like a natural at it, then you should have no problem getting deeper into it without having got into it earlier. The more they balance this game even early beta, the more it feels like different strategies are viable for play. Yet this game really is very energetic which is both fun and different from current RTS. Macro and massive amount of units and all., the only thing they need is more types of units.
  10. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    Yeah. I agree. This has an interesting concept and looks fun. But I want it to become bigger. So more can enjoy it. So we perhaps in the future could get some kind of E-Sport scene with small tournaments. It would be a cool thing. You can always speculate about things, this is after all a forum. If I'd play this game for fun or to become really good that is seperate things. I will probably just stay in the play for fun style but as this game is new, everyone will be newbies and that's when you need to start practice. (In starcraft 2, sometimes you don't even enjoy the game. But got to play for the money and need the practice to stay in shape.)
  11. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Heroes of Newerth is a F2P "MOBA" game which has cosmetic microtransactions. The game is heavily moddable and there are plenty of hero model/texture replacements.

    Due to the client-server architectures, modded models are only rendered on the client-side, while bought models are visible by all players due to the server syncing data to all clients.

    Similar principles could be applied here; the Store model employed by Heroes of Newerth is incredibly popular and sustains the game's F2P model to this day.
  12. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    Gorbles actually came with a solution that LoL has aswell. All models can be server sided. Then mods can change the game for you, but not anyone else. Which is a great thing.

    Also Blizzard may love money when it comes to WoW and Diablo 3 but their Starcraft 2 Staff is different. They hand out free name changes every day because they want to and they give away free skins and ingame stuff. Why? None knows. We're still asking ourselves why they aren't charging us yet. Different staff, different thoughts. Kind staff? Dunno.
  13. hanspeterschnitzel

    hanspeterschnitzel Active Member

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    I am a bad SC2 player? Hah, glad you make assumptions. I have something for you: I do not even play that stupid game you moron. =P I saw some videos and thought.. nah, this is not my kind of RTS, too much micro, war-machinery that is only a 4 times the size of a normal soldier? Nah, this kind of extremely abstract and odd-scaled RTS is not for me.

    Then I looked at SupCom and thought.. dang this is great. And they are not even close to being the same style. You win by achieving the same goal? If that's "defeating your opponent", then yes. :p But then you can also compare a racing game to PA.
  14. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    Exactly. Then you're bad. No need to swear. You're comparing TA to a game you don't even know. Whos the moron now? Never played the game and assume it is bad. I have played it for 4 years, charged me total 80$ (Ripoff TBH. That little for so much fun) and I find it fun. You just make assumptions. I never said PA was bad if you're going to compare it. Just said they can earn more money and get a bigger fanbase. Not judging a game I haven't played.
  15. hanspeterschnitzel

    hanspeterschnitzel Active Member

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    I never said that you said that PA is bad. I said that you said that PA is worse than SC2, which you did. And I am not comparing TA to any game, am I? I haven't compared Total Annihilation to any game. You compare SC2 to PA though.

    And I don't have to play SC2 to simply say "This it not for me". And you can't be bad at something you have never done. You wouldn't say "You are bad at the piano!" if said person has never tried to play it or learn it and has no desire to, would you?
  16. Ringworm

    Ringworm Active Member

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    I will reply to you later, as I have only just returned to my office, and now have a 2 hour walk in front of me to get home. Don't expect me to be polite, though...
  17. hanspeterschnitzel

    hanspeterschnitzel Active Member

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    Haha, he tells me I don't have to swear but calls someone else retarded.

    EDIT: Now I just read his whole reply. "It is of course worse" Of course? Of course?! Why of course? That's like saying "This game isn't SC2 so it HAS to be worse". No, it is not "worse" in my opinion as it is in most opinions on this forum. This game is good and has a great concept. The best part? This game is already "good" and it will become better even. And which RTS, that are actually like PA, are bigger and better? How much did Supreme Commander or Total Annihilation cost at release? I haven't seen them at release, so I am not sure sure.
  18. Muukzor

    Muukzor Member

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    PA is a 2 000 000$ game. Ofcourse it is worse than Starcraft 2. You said that Starcraft 2 was horrible. If you have never done something, you are most likely bad at it. If I would try to play piano I know I would be bad at it.

    Simply called you a moron because you accused me of being a moron for no reason. Just returning the favor BUT actually including a point aswell.

    It's alright. Take the time you need. I look forward to your amazing answer with cool feedback! Seeya!

    Take this with a bit of salt. I know you love sarcasm.
    Last edited: October 10, 2013
  19. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    Behave please.
  20. hanspeterschnitzel

    hanspeterschnitzel Active Member

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    The game with the lower budget isn't necessarily the worse game. And I never said Starcraft 2 is horrible, I said it is nothing for me.

    EDIT: Also:
    Your questions have been answered.
    You made the suggestion to make this game F2P - Most if not everyone so far was against that suggestion, partly violently opposed.
    You said you are not going to buy this game for $50 or $40 as it is not worth it.
    Solution: Simply don't buy the game and... well, that's about it. This game is not going to be F2P, whatever you say here will not change that.
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