Finally here! Finally casting matches. Subscribe on YouTube! Facebook: Twitter:
First match: 1v1 between me and java.
Second match: 1v1 between mceldowney and judicatorofgenocide with commentary from myself, brianpurkiss. The 25gb upload was worth it – watch the match in 1440p! I didn't even know there was such a thing.
Could you post on our clans thread some time with your channel (only if you want)? I'm sure our guys would be interested.
New match: 1v1 between me and dwdiprato2 on a lava planet that I'm partial to. Decent match. I go over my build that I'm still refining and many different Planetary Annihilation strategies.
New video: This is a recording of the livestream I did earlier today. I go over the basics of PA gameplay and techniques.
New video: A very exciting tournament match between Adult Films & TheWrongCat. Very back and forth match with lots of action.
New video: A pretty exciting ranked 1v1 match between kingjohnvi & infrabasse from The Realm.
New video: A nice 1v1 between myself and donut. Lots of raiding and explosions across a Lava planet that I am partial to. In the video I discuss different strategies of using different units to counter different situations.
Forgot to update this thread, so here's three videos. 1v1 between kingjohnvi & infrabasse with commentary from brianpurkiss 1v1 between brianpurkiss & mickylol 1v1 between godde & vorell with commentary from brianpurkiss
Kinda a random idea why not get the casters to play against each other whilst you all cast the game so each cast has a different perspective of whats going on?
There have been a few matches posted on PA Matches that have views from opposing sides on the same match. They're fun to put up side by side. One of them, the two players were on team speak and had the videos synced up. So you could pull up both, press play at the same time and mute the volume on one and got the same audio. It was very fun to watch. Certainly is a neat idea, but requires a lot of coordination.
I actually meant no casters are on team speak but you're all recording and casting the game from your own perspectives With say you, Zaphod, Marshall, and any others all playing FFA and you then link each other's games to your own casts, could require a bit of coordination but a PA caster's game could be fun to watch because every subscriber would be given the option to see the same game from say 4 perspectives. Would be a fun thing to try out
I do like the idea. I'm a little too busy to coordinate something like this right now, but I'll keep it in mind for the future.
Sure masterofroflness did one tonight with us. Hook up with us some time and we can arrange something.
New match: Tournament 1v1 between Th3_4ppl3BringR & quazzi with Commentary from brianpurkiss Nice match. Lots of raiding, combat, and explosions.