What's your opening moves with c man? I build 1 metal planet, 1 energey planet, a bot planet, 1 metal planet, 1 energey plant, metal storage then c man goes on building a crap ton of metal while I pump out some engies fomo my bot plant. I use the first 3-5 engies on ecom then an air plant (gotta get scouting don't cha know) then it's mass factory time or tech to get orbital. I like going orbital and taking over all the moons. Mind you it's also awesome to launch 100 ants at your enemy, I feel like the queen of an ant colony.. I spent like 8 hours watching ant colonies on youtube over the weekend... There is a "slaver" ant that goes around and steals the larva of other ants.. the Slaver ant can't even feed it's self so it needs to go capture other ants to do all the little things around the base(yup ants now have bases)... Ne ways... enough about ants.
I warn you lil T, you might spend 8 hours watching youtube videos about ants.. but okay. *passes it to lil*
puff puff... ahhhh ants, lets do this. Right yer... 2 metals then a bot factory then some energy then send the bots out metal hunting and keep making energy is how I roll
I tend to do 2x mex, 2x pgen then either a bot or vehicle factory. The commander then goes off to build ~15 pgens while the factory makes 5 fabbers. The fabbers grab any available mexes, and the fourth or fifth makes an air factory. The air factory then makes 5-10 fabbers, most of whom are sent to get underwater metal spots. Depending on the map they might also make a naval yard or two. Air fabbers use huge amounts of energy but due to their mobility they're great for mex expansion. The commander uses the least energy to build, hence why I use him for initial energy expansion.