Hello, I suggest having a key designated to find any idle builders in the planet. It's a real pain to have to manually search the landscape for any randomly idle builders that have gone off course due to random AI sending them elsewhere or them getting stuck near buildings, etc. Would really make it easier to play the game and speed things up. Keep up the great work Uber!
Or double tap F. (An icon on the screen with numbers and types of idle workers still would be nice of course.)
Once again, the first priority when playing a new game is to check the key bindings. My goodness people.
much rather have an icon displaying the number of idle construction unit, something visual, maybe some extra funtion like clicking on the idle worker icon to step through all idle units.
THIS! I've seen this in some games and it's the best. Currently when I press "f" it doesn't seem to highlight the selected unit, and it doesn't always seem to cycle through them, although I'm not 100% on that. Also, it doesn't select your commander if he's idle. I know, you can press "c" to get him, but what if he's not idle? It should cycle through them, highlighting the unit as well as showing the unit icon on the screen so you can quickly see what and where.
Be nice. He meant on the planet. As in a global "where are my engineers". "F" = Select all fabbers on screen. It doesn't take you directly to the fabbers, nor cycle through them.I believe HotRod11686 is referring to the "right-click on the idle engineers panel" in Forged Alliance, regardless of zoom. In order to use "F" right now... Planetary Annihilation 1 action to "zoom out" 1 action to hit "F" 1 action to "track" 1 action to "zoom in" 1 action to "select" a single fabber. vs Forged Alliance 1 action to "move mouse to idle engineers panel" 1 action to "right click" for select and zoom-to idle fabber. I don't meant to toot my own horn, bu I have laid out some metric on how you can measure the efficiency of the UI. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/principles-of-ui-design-the-4-cs.52756/ For what 4 players in this thread want, I believe hitting "F" is not the solution they are looking for. Actually. I too support the "find next idle worker" function. So make it 5 players
Guys, I am tracking all the GUI feature suggestions I can find here: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/unofficial-official-gui-discussion-thread.52055/ Added! [SUGGESTION] Control Groups Panel ~ Idle fabbers. Left Click to Select all visible on screen. Right click to select, zoom-to and cycle through idle fabbers. (similar to SupCom). Your suggested feature has already been included in my latest GUI mock-up: It's on monitor #1, right side, halfway up. You can find the thread here: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/culverins-gui-mock-up.52739/