Commander is too powerful.and Umbrella is inefficient.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by urbanrabbit, October 7, 2013.

  1. urbanrabbit

    urbanrabbit New Member

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    Nice to meet you. I'm from South Korea is a gamer.

    Despite the immaturity of English to write articles will expect happened is that my comments reflect.

    Before me to see if the same opinions suggest, the search was on.
    Because of the numerous posts about this, write this article.

    I have seen the recent users, after production of a lot of workers and their commander alone strategy was used to send to the enemy base.

    Advanced defense systems and advanced combat unit commander does not come out easily ideally not be removed.

    The game will be a draw afraid, my commander had to send to other places.

    Another problem, the umbrella is not suitable for removing forces satellites.

    Install the five umbrella, but only one satellite troops also shot down was impossible.

    Responding to this, the early forces of the destructive power, improve the speed of the laser of the umbrella is that you need more quickly.


    Thank you for writing a strange look.
    If my translation is wrong, please attach a comment. :D
  2. fergie

    fergie Member

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    Umbrella ready does need to be fixed...its not that its damage is weak, but its aim is way off...something wrong in the sim

    Commander is fine as can be used as a combat unit and keep rushers at bay early game, by mid game you really need to use him in combat as last resort, he is better off assisting a factory with his very efficient nanolathe than getting into combat himself

    Late game....your commander is now a bad thing to have around, he needs to be near an anti nuke, at least 5-6 AA, or deep in your base with AA around it, and maybe an umbrella, and just have him assist a T2 Factory or what not.
    RainbowDashPwny likes this.
  3. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    Units currently do not take into account the motion of their target when calculating a firing solution, so the reason most units miss right now is because they are not leading their targets. The umbrella suffers the most from this because of the large distance involved when firing at units in orbit. It is one of the many things on the devs radar so I'm sure it will be fixed sometime in the beta.

    Although not soon enough for some people... *cough cough* gunshin *cough*
    gunshin and RainbowDashPwny like this.
  4. urbanrabbit

    urbanrabbit New Member

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    After invading enemy commander alone, it is not possible to prevent the destruction of the building.
    Tanks and bots,towers can not stop.

    Furthermore Commander is not easy to kill the enemy commander.
  5. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    The Commander's range is definitely way too long. It can outrange a disturbing number of things which should be putting big dents in its HP.
  6. spazzdla

    spazzdla Active Member

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    I figured the umberal was more to defend against someone like me that would turtle/rush obritals... you can't launch fighters against this tatic as they'll own the skies.. so the umberlla is used to kill those orbital attack units..?

    Or is it la useless at that and that is the problem? lol.
    Last edited: October 7, 2013
  7. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    have you see any FAF match? go to youtube and search for praisegugleourmaster, or for felixilighta.
    you will see that in PROs games they send both the army and the ACU(commader) to fight
    see this video /watch?v=IXOkFKXwpwQ
    Sir_Louis use his COM very agressive.
  8. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    You need to learn a bit more English but we understood what you meant. :D Good on you for trying! The order of your sentences were a bit confused. I have respect for your attempt at an English translation, especially since Eastern languages are so different from English.
  9. josephstabile

    josephstabile New Member

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    I disagree, I would like to see the commander buffed, I hate how easy he is to kill.
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    urbanrabbit try to get used to it, this is a simulated projectile RTS from the TA/FA lineage, this is how it works.

    give and take : You loose the match if the commander dies - the commander is a powerful unit.
  11. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    The PA comm starts the game with a very fixed combat strength. What it is capable of in the first 4 minutes is no different from its capabilities at 20 minutes. As such, the Comm is extremely strong early game, and can only lose relative strength as the game progresses. Then air seals the deal.

    The TA commander had variable combat strength, as it leaned heavily on a d-gun that did not discriminate on enemy type. The Comm was almost helpless without it, but as energy increased in the midgame the d-gun became a powerful raid killer and assassination deterrent. Then air happened, lol.

    Scaling Comm powers are good. In fact, they are almost necessary. And no, you don't need any form of upgrade to do it.
    smallcpu likes this.
  12. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    There's scaling-up, and there's scaling-out. The commander scaled-up quite well, for exactly the reasons bobucles just pointed out. A well fed commander could blap any lone unit that came across it.
  13. RainbowDashPwny

    RainbowDashPwny Active Member

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    "The commander is to weak"
    Followed by another post of
    "The commander is to strong" :p
  14. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Too weak in late game and too strong in early game. There's no contradiction here. :p
  15. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    The commander will most likely be more powerfull when the commander abilites are in, not less.

    The commander is supposed to be the most powerfull unit in your army but also your greatest weakness (as in, lose him and you lose), the current balance kinda reflects that, so i dont realy see a reason for Uber to nerf it.
  16. urbanrabbit

    urbanrabbit New Member

    Likes Received:
    have you see any FAF match? go to youtube and search for praisegugleourmaster, or for felixilighta.
    you will see that in PROs games they send both the army and the ACU(commader) to fight
    see this video /watch?v=IXOkFKXwpwQ
    Sir_Louis use his COM very agressive.[/quote]


    Will I have to link to the video?
  17. RainbowDashPwny

    RainbowDashPwny Active Member

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    Will I have to link to the video?[/quote]

    But this isn't FAF. That right there is the first problem in your expectations.

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