Hello, I've just tried to crush a moon on a planet but I couldn't find the way to do it. I landed on that moon some advanced engineer and I built 15 halley engine but when I selected them I really couldn' figure out what to do to start them. Please might ypu explain how to do?
not all planets can be moved at this time it has to be small enough to be moved with 5 halleys. you will know when you see halley symbols under the planet's name in solar system view.
Also, use the search bar to look for this stuff, cause we had a torrent of threads about this about a week ago.
You have to zoom out to solar system view. Press period to do this quickly. Once you do that, you should see the planets in a menu on the top right, plus the number of halley's required to move that planet. If you have enough, these symbols will be green. Select the planet you want moved, then select the planet you want it to hit, then a button will appear at the bottom of the screen that says, "ANNIHILATE". Click this button. It took me a while to figure out too.
i hate to say it, but the person i first played a game with asked about transports, and after the game i asked about halleys here. Anyone confused about it when given no instruction whatsoever, can't possibly be blamed given lack of instruction. When i asked it minutes after alpha test of beta patch, there was no place to find any instructions whatsoever.