Disappointed with game direction

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Siigari, October 4, 2013.

  1. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    He put his feet in his mouth by trolling here.... this is our house!!! ;)
  2. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    What is that supposed to mean, putting his feet in his mouth, that doesn't make any sense.
  3. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    Now finally someone who notices what a helpfull and kind person I am to make others happy, even in my sparetime.

    So, thats the second part. Ok, it states that graphics will improve near release and that current isnt the final state.
    Which has nothing to do with my statement that it just isnt "good enough" NOW. You couldnt see why people beg for better graphics and here is why: It currently doesnt look stunning tbh.
    People will continue to beg for better ones, no matter what stage of development it is in.

    And maybe not clearly stated in my post, when Uber settings look like that concepts, its ok for me. Just has to be optimized to yield better performance. So, that somewhat implies that I expect the final version to look better that current one.

    edit: nice fullquote btw.
  4. HotIce

    HotIce New Member

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    Is some of the post not regarding the progress from Alpha to Beta? Its concerning that there is not a great deal of difference between the two. Are we going to see a full release with just a few fixes and improvement on the beta? Going on the scheduled relase date it seems like we might just get that.

    I understand in development, Beta etc - but its the progress I seem to find more worrying. The games OK at the moment, but it seems not as good as any of the other games (TA/SC). Oh, before anyone says "Oh but its in space and there are extra planets!" Really, you have round maps and "extra" maps in the same game, that alone doesnt change the game. You still need a good game on one planet before you have fun on another...

    As said, I like the game. But its only OK at the moment. Bug fixes and pathfind etc it will still be only OK. I just hope they make more progress in the time that they have left - or use the extra money and relase late.
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    When you jump right into Beta from Alpha directly of course there isn't going to be much of a change right away, THEY DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO DO ANYTHING in between and even then in this case they did do a whole lot, before Beta we didn't have any interplanetary nor any planet smashing. There is still at worst 2 more months of Beta, a bit more maybe depending on the exact release date they end up using, considering they've created this whole game from effectively nothing in the last year(which is the kind of crazy you can't appreciate unless you understand the average game development process well) 2 months is a lot of time to do things in.

    Murcanic likes this.
  6. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    your lack of previous posts disturbs me. it seems as if you just made an account and started throwing complaints everywhere just to make people react.

    have you even been playing this game to make such a comparison.
  7. pleasure0102

    pleasure0102 New Member

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    My first Post :D

    i actually enjoy the Beta, yeah there are a lot of problems still.. and a lot is not implemented or even optimized.. imo the Term BETA is actually used a little soonish..

    But i think uber will make a great Game.. and with Mod Support you will see the Community even improving on that at some point. I actually only now bought the Game.. because i am a little to involved in Star Citizen.

    Keep it up Uber, i think this will be an awesome Game.. and well worth pledging for it !


  8. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    the only reason why i found it weird that you cut off the second half is because it then looked like the post i made was only about my opinion and that i didnt want the graphics to get better. personally i dont care how good they make the graphics so long as there is not too much focus for excessive detail
  9. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    Yes, the number of posts a person has is directly proportional to the quality of their ideas.

    Get of your 'more dedicated than thou' pedestal and respond to his actual post, how often he's posted on his forums has absolutely no relevance to what he's saying.
    Last edited: October 4, 2013
  10. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    Which part screams imminent failure? All I've seen from Uber amazes me considering their budget and time. It's also funny that you should compare failure of PA with Chris Taylor considering his latest project.
  11. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    Haven't read the full post but a simple reply is its nowhere near finished yet. It's quite enjoyable and I think everything will improve.
  12. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    that was actually directed to the wrong person. i thought it was another person who was making clearly trollish statements. this person on the other hand has fine a meaningful points
  13. Siigari

    Siigari Member

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    To you guys calling me a troll, I probably have more of a vested interest in this being successful than some of you who haven't maybe played the past games.

    I WANT this to be awesome. Despite it being Beta keep in mind I'm saying I have not seen so much changes than just minor additions, fixes and adjustments in the past four months. My OP is a cry for what I want and what I see and how right now they aren't meshing.

    Get off your elitist horse. Just because I don't post doesn't mean I don't have an opinion.
  14. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    again its a game with a lot of missing pieces but at the same time it still has to be playable and some what fun. its like having to build a bridge while cars are still trying to use it. until its finished it going to look like a bunch of unstable patch work.
  15. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    I didn't get past "**** art style" in OP because it made me too mad XD
    Dude, graphical polish is like one of the last things that's worked on in a game.
  16. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Game isn't finished, players playing unfinished game notice. Color me shocked ;)
  17. xnavigator

    xnavigator Member

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    I despise who is calling the author of this thread a troll. He made good points, especially on the minimaps/navigations (and explosion effects) and explained his point of view in a polite way. He is definitively not a troll.
  18. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    Visuals as far as completion goes: any game that shows me how awesome the graphics are and avoids telling me about the gameplay is immediately labeled as potentially crap to play. There are hundreds of games that came out in the last few years that have great visuals, and a short lived linear gameplay. Remember The War Z? neither do I actually. What am I talking about??..

    Visuals as far as style:
    I dont think I remember the last time I saw a game proposal and said to myself "Wow this looks great! I cant wait for them to do the graphics completely differently from this pre-vis."
    Imagine if StarcraftII was done by making all of the proportions realistic. In my mind part of me says this would be awesome, but the general vision and gameplay would be completely different, and therefore be a different title all together. I still want the chunky robots and micro planets, with little blocky trees and swirly textures. This is what is proposed by art direction and what we saw, approved by paying up, and what we will be receiving.

    Lack of UI, now some of this stuff IS feature incomplete, but I am glad there is lots of open space. What else do we need? Ya there should be a score of some sort when implemented, ya the units selected should not layer over top of the build stucture. In the end though...what is missing? What other information other than what we know is on its way?

    Zooming out is faster and far superior. I know there is an argument that "if we have maps of the world, why cant we do the same with the minimap?" ..As far as anybody in the world cares when it comes to a standard map, not many people care about the north and south poles. The map is stretched to that extent. Go pop up a 3d package and unwrap a sphere cleanly onto a square surface in a way that can be view so everything is "right side up". Its fun TRUST ME..>.>
    The poles are not something we ignore in this game, so that kind of map will not work too happily.
    I think the best replacement of the mini map is going to be the dual monitor support as well as multiple view ports.
    Camera anchors are already the **** diggity in their own right.

    They will get better. They probably wont be hyper realistic, but the ones that exist are there so that there are explosions. I personally hope there will be variation in the nuke explosions. Either random from a selection of explosion styles or dependent on the type of unit that fired it. Random would be cool though, cuz then you could say "ahh that was a good one".

    There is also alot they can do with the lighting in this engine. It is a low priority at this stage, but I expect that we will see the tracer fire leaving some underglow on the ground as it zips by, as well as the tanks being lit up more as they fire. I dont think specularity is enabled for everything yet either, this will dramatically change the visuals.
    There is normal map support on the planets too. I am not sure if it is implemented yet, I havent taken the time to zoom in and look recently.

    The bottom line is that an incomplete game that is pumped full of visual fluff early on is likely to lack in gameplay when it is completed. The opinions that get expressed in that regard are often very reminiscent of a publisher client, whom of which usually bases such decisions on market research, and not what makes a game great. The lack of having such a client is the very reason we get to have a new RTS at all. They are just not attractive games to publishers due to a surprisingly small following in comparison to more attractive investments.
  19. ulciscor

    ulciscor Active Member

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    No that's just not right, i wouldn't say it's just a cost issue, they are planning to have no unit limit, if they do that, they want it to be easy to run, many people would opt for gameplay over graphics. FA and PA are not even the same, one is a top down map, with clearly defined borders, the other is an entire galaxy. They need the graphics simplistic. Having realistic leaf blowing skills, and swaying trees, and unique ocean, would cripple machines, even high end ones because of the scale of what's being done.
  20. mkultr4

    mkultr4 Member

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    Dude you have the exact same Avatar as me lol. Armored Core games were sick.

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