It's "Advanced" not T2

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by brianpurkiss, October 3, 2013.

  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I was thinking when I do a mod, I was going to separate ground units, air units, and naval units like this.

    Ground t1 are bipedal, ground t2 are treaded, air t1 is vtol, air t2 are heli gunship, naval t1 are subs, naval t2 are ships.
  2. Siigari

    Siigari Member

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    You know...

    Total Annihilation referred to units in the ufo files as "ADVXXX." So a Metal Extractor advanced was ADVMEX. The thing is, during the course of gameplay people referred to them as their code names, such as moho or fusion or whatever.

    Code names were prevalent in TA, so if people are getting in a fuss over T2/ADV and what to call things just let it go because this game breaks traditions.
  3. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    @Bgrmystr2, My name was drawn from the TA manual 16 years ago. TA influenced me as a gamer in a profound way and it is the standard for which all RTS games are measured in my eyes. Nanolathe has always been my internet pseudonym and always will be.

    I wear the name as a mark of pride and devotion to the best RTS of all time.
    beer4blood, cwarner7264 and Bgrmystr2 like this.
  4. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    And mine is from Runescape. ahem, this isn't it btw. Anywho, point is, mine could be from starcraft or C&C, and really it would have been from C&C if I didn't do Runescape first, but anywho...

    point is that TA was an awesome game and even SupCom had people play it religiously enough, but this game has the chance to be the best qualities of both, none of the flaws, and upgraded graphics and new interplanetary mechanics.
    The concept of late game effective t1 units with unique use that isn't repeated in t2 is one of those great decisions. What we call that is semantics.

    PS, I abbreviate heavily because I am used to playing C&C Renegade and Runescape. You have to abbreviate things there in some form of simple way. Stanks, Meds, Flames, Rams, Mammies, or DH, AGS, BGS, Sara brews, Sup Res, Reflects, Specs...
  5. Bgrmystr2

    Bgrmystr2 Active Member

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    There's a lot I want say, but the only thing I will say is this.
    +1 Respect

    Also, Nanolathe's 2500th post was made directed at me. I sort of feel special.
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  6. ulciscor

    ulciscor Active Member

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    Yes that's nice, but when are you going to post some beta replays 1v1 from cola, nano, gunshin etc..
  7. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Random topic shift...

    I can only post videos that are submitted to me. With the release of Beta, submissions slowed down a little. Players didn't want to record games where they were still getting used to the new units and features. I haven't gotten any videos from nano or gunshin.

    That being said, my latest posted video is staring cola_colin:

    Another one has Greppy and ZaphodX:

    Hang in there. Submissions are increasing.

    I'm also going to start casting and hopefully will be able to get more players.

    There's also some tournaments that are forthcoming that will kick up the action.
  8. rgturner244

    rgturner244 Member

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    Apparently we have nothing better to do...
  9. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    It's not like we have a video game to play or something... ;)
    rgturner244 likes this.
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  11. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Yupp. They've said that it's "Advanced" and "Basic" multiple times now.

    People don't seem to care about using the proper terminology since saying "t1" or "t2" is quicker to say.

    Despite the fact that T1/T2/T3 causes issues amongst the community with people getting caught up on terminology.

    Which is kinda ironic...
  12. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    The quality off posts really down ,a discution off what call to trees ranking units.

    (Advanced or t2) ,just say what you feel bether to use.
    Only SCFA players use T1 to T4.
  13. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    It's not a discussion of what to call them.

    It's simply reminding players what the official terminology is.
  14. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    lol whut? "we have the Hailey, I mean common ...that's tech 3... anyway you wanna slice it." ....."terminology that is just NOT relevant"


    open your ears.
  15. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I like how you use this phrase while referencing a live stream where Jon Mavor complained about people getting bogged down in worrying about terminology.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  16. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    weither it is an annoyance or not is not the problem imo ...
    consider what the public has to try and understand watching the varius casts ... while there are a well amount of people knowing the definitions of the game there are people that are new to it ...
    and might not realy understand the terminology and what information it does offer ...
    what is t1 or t2, what is advanced or basic what is experimentel or category 1 or 2 or a or b
    or tier 1 tier 2 etc ... it might be sort of self explanatory to a degree but does a unit that is in a higher tier or treelevel automaticaly make it a more powerful, more useful or specialised unit? because that´s the issue ... calling something by tiers doesn´t realy explain the usefulness of a specific unit and it doesn´t neccesarily tell weither something is flatout better then something else or not... that´s why i consider that tiernaming rather insignificant in casts it just says when a unit might be accesible in a match but that´s is just it ...

    just a mere example ...
    a t2/advanced orbital trasport might be totaly redundant on a single planet match were t1/basic air transports might be a flatout more effiicient for transporting single units or small squads
    Last edited: November 28, 2013
  17. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    I promise to post this image every time this topic i brought up.

    cola_colin likes this.
  18. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Why did you revive the dead thread?

    I did listen in.

    Which is why I heard him talking about people getting caught up on tech tiers – which is why Uber doesn't have tech tiers and only has Basic and Advanced.

    Did you not hear him say "there is no tech 2" there's "only basic and advanced." ?

    Which is why I said it was ironic.

    However, people using the incorrect terms causes problems, as is evident in what Mavor said.

    We have a problem in the community, particularly with new members, of people getting caught up in tech tiers.

    And this is why.

    The official terminology is Basic and Advanced.

    When new members hear people saying Tech tiers, they then start whining and talking about how there's no tech 3 or experimentals and problems ensue.

    The issue is our incorrect terminology creates confusion with new members amongst the community and incorrect expectations on how the game plays.

    That chart is fine and dandy, but that's community member stipulation.

    The official terms from Uber Entertainment are Basic and Advanced.
  19. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    screwed that up meant basic of course

    which as said by the devs themselfes is totaly useless in explaining what a unit does
    be it basic/advanced or t1/t2/tx ... it just gives a wrong mindset of always rush/build torwards t2/advanced imo ... just throw that terminology out of the window in casts
    it is just mere categorising of the build tree and nothing else realy but doesn´t say almost anything about a unit ...
    Last edited: November 28, 2013
  20. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    I totally feel that a more important concern is the level of spelling on the forum.
    brianpurkiss likes this.

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