New Unit Suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by soghog, August 16, 2013.

  1. tbos

    tbos Member

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    I also had this idea of a big mass extractor.

    Say you land on a small moon with little mass points. To still have sufficient mass you could combine three mass points that are close to each other and make it 1 big extractor extracting more mass than the sum of the three extractors.

    Good idea?
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    No, because there is not reason to never not use a 'mega' extractor because it will always have a better output.

  3. tbos

    tbos Member

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    Isnt a bigger output the idea of bigger extractor.....?

    It just gives a acu that flees to the moon a chance of coming back when he has little to no mass points.
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Yeah, but you said the
    The thing is you aren't adding any depth, just more complexity. There is no purpose to a mega extractor.

  5. guardsman1

    guardsman1 New Member

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    How 'bout a burrow bot, totally un-detectable, high in resources, but able to burrow into the surface and build nukes in the planet core, blowing it up from the inside?

    I, personally, would enjoy that moment...
    "I launch my nukes at your base to destroy you but not me!!!!"
    *press trigger*
    "WTF was that meant to..."
    *planet explodes*
  6. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    if the enemy ACU flees to the moon then start to fight back for the planet , he will need to make some structures on the moon, like Mexes, Factories.
    if he don't do that, is because he is dead
  7. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    also the Com is Not Capturable, because you are there, w/ manual control, one guy can at least put a virus to make your ACU self-destroy
  8. tbos

    tbos Member

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    But guys what about my launchable Doomsdaymachine?

  9. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    isn't better make an Mavor?
  10. tonictommanator

    tonictommanator New Member

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    I have a cool unit suggestion that is a massive orbital ship that is built by the launcher in multiple part that get formed together in orbit and this ship is an orbital unit factory that can move and create orbital units faster then the launcher but can't create it's own parts, also it has it's own defence of orbital guns so that it isn't just a sitting duck .

    I also have an other unit that digs a tunnel through the planet and then it becomes a transport from one side to the other a bit like in the film 'total recall' .
    dukered2 likes this.
  11. dukered2

    dukered2 New Member

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    Someone may have mentioned this already

    how about an orbital unit that can fly to water worlds and drop itself into the sea to become a structure with basic radar, anti-ship, and anti-air weaponry. The entire unit is well armored during orbit and while dropping, the whole premise being that it will become a beachhead to invade a water planet that has very good orbital defenses and one you don't simply want to smash with a planetoid. The structure could only build engineers and possibly some light navy boats but that would be up to developers to determine but it would definitely not build large boats so you cant build a secret battleship armada on a smaller lake planet. This does not have to be constrained to water either, possible land variants, all up to the developers
  12. rgturner244

    rgturner244 Member

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    I was trying to think of a fun unit and although this one doesn't make the most sense, the concept is fun to think about, and for old C&C players, a pretty cool throwback.

    The Disc Thrower

    This bad boy was in the C&C game "Tiberian Sun" and he throws explosive discs that can bounce beyond his target range and hit targets further away than he normally would be able to hit. This makes for some interesting micro where you're force-attacking the ground toward an enemy to score some free hits out of range before a battle, or while trying to retreat.

    For PA, I was thinking of something built from the vehicle factory that lobbed short range artillery discs. T1 maybe, I don't know, but the main reason I wish to present this is because of the large amount of water on some planets. If the disc thrower/shooter shoots toward the water, the disc would realistically bounce further. If it bounces once on the ground, it should be able to bounce twice or three times across the water, striking targets far out of range.

    They would make descent defense against land vehicles, but would make spectacular land defense vs ships trying to hit your buildings from the shore. Also, if subs are going to be immune to land attacks while submerged, I thought the disc could dive through the water to strike them as well, being the only land unit able to attack a sub (besides the commander). And of course, the disc thrower would not be able to hit air.
  13. perecil

    perecil Active Member

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    I'd like to see mobile factories. Like a naval carrier that is able to build T1 fighters.
    archcommander likes this.
  14. dabullet

    dabullet New Member

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    Some unit ideas:

    Transformer: Mobile bot able to transform itself into a turret, increasing damage but vulnerable to long range weaponry.
    Jetpackbots: Fast moving bots equipped with jetpacks, usefull for crossing cracks and canyons. Low firepower
    Mobile radar platform: Provides radar coverage in a small area around the unit.
    Missile launcher: Long range mobile missile launcher, comparable to a low damage catapult
    Flame tank: Close combat tank equipped with metal melting flame-throwers, effective versus blobs of units and buildings
    Chiller: Air plane equipped with nitrogen bombs capable of freezing units, reducing their move/attack speed

    Btw, I'd also like to see some real asteroids in the game, instead of only small moons... Does anyone know if these might be coming?
  15. dangoofed

    dangoofed Member

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    I haven't seen much talk of strategy regarding how orbital play interfaces with the actual game, it seems that once you have orbital you'll just be a pie in the sky murder machine, so these units would make the orbirtals more vulnerable, like

    Space Shuttle: an orbital static missle launcher that can only fire when it is stationary, it can also drop into the lower atmosphere to travel to new points in orbital space, but it doesn't have any ground or air weaponry, can't land, and is only effective against orbital units, and even then only when standing still

    Beacon Array: A radio operator mech that designates strike zones for satellite ion cannons, so you would have to position him reasonably close to a base in order to use an ion cannon on it, though this almost defeats the purpose of having an orbital, but it would add some interesting depth

    Mobile Ion cannon: exactly what the name states, a land or sea based satelite blower upper.

    It also seems like people on moon bases, once entrenched, are going to be almost impossible to get out, so interplanetary nukes or something to disadvantage a small base, should be implemented.
  16. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    an T-2 Carrier that make air units, cool
    archcommander likes this.
  17. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    goods Ideas(only the Transformer one, is better have a T-2 Tank)
    and the Chiller is better drop EMP bombs
    the Flame Tank is not so good to, when you need to stay very close to the enemy units,
    make an Riot Tank w/ a big AoE
    Last edited: October 4, 2013
  18. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    I'd like to see some form of shields/force fields in the game, preferably not of the dome variety.

    A building which projects forcefields onto a certain number of units and buildings within range, would be pretty cool. The shields would allow units to close with stronger forces, and get in range. but wouldn't make them super indestructible ala sup com. Makes a commander able to survive a double nuke, t2 buildings can survive a nuke with a forcefield protecting them.

    Perhaps these shields could be considered emergency forcefields, which can only be active if they are:

    a) taking damage or about to


    b) not firing

    For non combat buildings forcefields will flick on and preventing damage but also stopping output.
  19. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    Plus one for humour factor.
  20. AyanZo

    AyanZo Active Member

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    Everyone has these over the top ideas.

    I'd just like an air repair pad to be honest.

    brianpurkiss likes this.

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