a third type of satellite....... SPACE!!!!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by beer4blood, October 2, 2013.

  1. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    So I've been debating this with myself since Monday....... as it stands currently when someone leaves planet you can see their unit floating on its path til it enters the atmosphere of intended target, regardless of whether you have gone orbital or not. I hope this will be changed,I believe if you obtain orbital first and get off planet, secrecy should be rewarded to you, or if you sneak out while no one is in system view. At first I thought scrap the replayer but it is quite the useful tool for when things expand a lot. Right now even if I don't tediously watch you orbit your way to another planet I can hit rewind whenever I want I see where your comm went. So I say scrap the all seeing eye of magic and add a third satellite!!! A space satellite!!! I haven't thought of all the logistics but that's what this community is for. I will say however that this satellite should have a limited range, and should be unable to detect units on a planet's surface. Perhaps it could have the ability to set its own orbital path around a celestial body???

  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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  3. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    Watch the last live cast again. I am hoping for space units... If uber do that they have built the kind of gaming engine that will pull colossal volumes of players from other space and rts based games.

    I want it done right and balanced so we can focus on space OR planetary battles rather than both interfering too much with each other. If it distracts from the ground battles too many people won't want it. I think you should see the commanders in space if such units are added or else it would be unplayable in that regard.

    I hope you can see how it's important from that angle although I fully agree with the *logic* of what you have said. With that added detail 'that space units may be added' changes things and thus whether commanders should be visible to the enemy. :)
  4. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    So what exactly are you wanting? huge space ship battles above planets and such or just for the commander to not be visible in space and to have more transports available and such?
  5. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    I want space battles and the commander to be visible. Sorry if I rushed typing that out.
  6. hahapants

    hahapants Active Member

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    I do like the idea of having a satellite orbiting the sun instead of a planet, giving you 'sight' on the solar system. I would imagine this to work like a satellite you put up on a planet to find your enemy globally, except you send it around the sun to find your enemy within the system?

    Also, they're looking into a way to keep people from sending their commanders into orbit constantly to avoid annihilation. I wouldn't be surprised if a combat space unit or 2 are created to stop this.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    That's only trying to offset the effects of the problem, don't you think it'd be better to actually fix the problem?

  8. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    My biggest problem with this is space is much much bigger then the planets we are fighting on and well if in 3D it will sort of be insane plus having to manage planets on top of that.... would be abit harder... i personally find orbital sort of annoying currently just as i fight so hard for a planet just for everyone to leave anyway and length the game almost pointlessly unless they can throw a moon at me and kill my planetary eco which will out produce anyone's orbital units xD i don't really want to add in another layer of things i have to by pass just to chase down their commander... personally I would rather them focus on ways to make beachheads on planets and invade them properly with ground units rather then just out massing orbital fighters then spamming them with orbital lazer platforms xD
  9. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    I agree with all of that in principle. I also think if done right it can prevent that. Nothing is balanced completely yet.
  10. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    I must disagree good sir,I think the first to win the space race should be rewarded with the stealth. As far as constantly moving your comm, can't an avenger just kill the astreus thus killing comm??? And regardless of his much you jump you will run out of planets eventually. Like you say sending satellites to ever planet in the system gives you eyes on surface so where can they really hide???

    Please no space.... its planetary annihilation, space annihilation is a mod for ta
  11. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    I was thinking not only the sun but planets???? Placement would be like placing a planet in system editor...
    .. perhaps you would need multiples at different points to reveal a whole system.
    To hit on space battles more I just see that as an extremely complicated mechanic to throw in the game there is already in its unfinished state extremely hectic once you leave starting planet.... I'm sure it'll be polished but I just don't see space battles as viable. Everything you launch to other planets uses the gravitational pull of other bodies to slingshot to the destination. I don't see it making sense that some units are free from this method just to float around unaffected and fight each other. Also how would your units know when and where to intercept someone's units headed to unknown destination???

    Although a space station has crossed my mind but I can't even justify it being feasible..... maybe as a factory to assist you by building unknown units....... Idk...... just can't really justify space battles, flinging asteroids and nukes is fine with me
  12. rick104547

    rick104547 Member

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    1 word: Mods
  13. rgturner244

    rgturner244 Member

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    I agree. I don't like the idea of large scale space battles.

    I want large scale invasions. Invasions so large or strong that even a player who sees it coming can't always stop it. I think this is the only way to achieve planetary control shifts when one player has control of an entire planet.
    beer4blood likes this.
  14. cmdrfirezone38

    cmdrfirezone38 Member

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    That is what I keep saying, but everyone shoots me down :(
    rgturner244 and beer4blood like this.
  15. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    I agree
    rgturner244 likes this.

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