deleting browser temp????

Discussion in 'Support!' started by beer4blood, September 30, 2013.

  1. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    I was informed that deleting browser temp files will help with the extreme loads??? The only time I have a late load is when I play a system I created.....I always load with landing already complete..... so anyways a fellow player informed me to delete stuff in my browser temp folder. What does this mean??? Surely my web browser temp folder doesn't have an effect on the loading of a separate program.... or does it???
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I doubt it's does. May be somebody who give you this advice misunderstand you? E.g he might be think your browser load some flash-based game slowly so it's why he give you this advice.

    All things which may affect PA loading times and performance are listed in this my topic on Steam forums:
    Each of them reported as helpful by some user.

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