Am I the only one afraid that enough different units will devalue the ability of units to be unique and meaningful? This problem already very nearly exists with Advanced Bots and Vehicles - they are quite similar. If Uber intends to add a large number of units, then there is a high risk that more limited choice will worm its way into the game, from the optimizations allowed by the spectrum of choice.
Well so long as Bots and Tanks have some underlying "rules" like bots being more manuveralbe and/or tanks being faster across open ground you can still have a Bot and a Tank will a certain role but they could still be each useful in different areas. For example a Sniper Bot and Sniper Tank, the Tank might be more power/longer ranged, but it's more limited in where it can setup, where as the Bot might be weaker, but can get into places the Tank can't for better ambushing. Also keep in mind it's too early to draw too many conclusions from the current unit roster and the current balance. Mike
You're not the only one with that concern. I don't think it's a problem yet because it's still so far from release.