Questions/suggestions about KEW aftermath...

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ghoner666, September 29, 2013.

  1. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    I haven't had the chance to play, but watched as much video as I could about the game since alpha, and I have to say the planet smashing is looking better than I expected, even if it's just the first pass but I had some question and thought about it:

    1-Will the amount of destruction be affected by the size of the asteroid/moon or it's going to be standart like nukes?

    2-In the explosion we see fragments of rocks ejected in space, and those seem to be actual 3d chunks, no just some particles... Does Uber plan/consider making them permanent, like orbiting the planet and maybe falling back as meteor shower or damaging orbital unit around the planet? Maybe, maaaaybe even colonisable?

    3-Since metal planet are supposed to be weapons....will they be made unusable by KEW? I mean even if they probably have redundant systems and a protective layer, I think an asteroid smashing it would deactivate the main laser of doom.

    4-The way the planet generation is made, I doubt you can alter biomes once the planet is generated, but could KEW affect the planet more than by just denting it? Maybe using shaders to turn those green field brown, and the blue atmosphere into a ash-filled gray? If the biome CAN be altered, repeated impact could melt a cold planet into a water planet, or turn a green planet into a desert/moon/lava planet, etc.

    5-What the heck will happen with gaz giant? A meteor will just do a poof in their atmosphere, or maybe trigger a chain reaction turning them into small suns?

    Any thought/info on this?
    archcommander likes this.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Actually I'm think for Uber it's totally possible to do anything with planets if they can spend time on implementing it.
    I doubt there is any problems with re-texturing of planet surface or with removing some objects from it. It's more important if those options will really improve game, or they will be useless and won't make gameplay better.

    This one should be pretty easy actually.
  3. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    All very interesting questions. I had thought about some of them and hope the answer to most is yes. I want a massive bass explosion sound effect for interplanetary collisions.
  4. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    As for making gameplay better, I dunno, it depend how it would be implemented. I recon #4 is more about a visual aspect, but I think I would find hilarious to see an entire base sink because of a sudden global warming. Oh, and it could be the other way around. We don't see clouds ingame but a triggered ice age would freeze ocean with whatever is in it. If the game is about macro and planet wide war/destruction, I think successfully triggering an ice age on a water planet could be as devastating as blowing the said planet.
    archcommander likes this.
  5. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    In the Kickstarter video we see an Earth planet being turned into a lava planet, so i guess they do want it. Still, i think they have a lot of other stuff they need fixing before they fancy up stuff like this.
  6. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    Oh I'm not asking this to have it now, I'm just asking what's actualyl gonna happen. I feel the Q&A of the last livestream was kinda short for such a big patch release. They were more talkative about the upcoming stuff during alpha :p
  7. GoodOak

    GoodOak Active Member

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    It's been suggested a bunch of times already, but I'd also love to see crazy environmental stuff happen on badly damaged planets.
  8. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    ha ha, yea. I guess they're still tired from working to deep into the night to get the game beta-ready.
  9. hanspeterschnitzel

    hanspeterschnitzel Active Member

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    What happens when you smack an asteroid into a metal planet? Has anyone done that before? What does the crater look like?
  10. ghoner666

    ghoner666 Member

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    I haven't seen any, but given the state of thing, It probably look like the other planets impact.
    One thing I wanna see though is a planet after several collission on the same side, just to see if you can end up with a planet looking like a moon crescent lol.

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