Planet(Moon) into Planet Combat

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by aeonelite, September 29, 2013.


Number of Halley's to crash a small Moon.

  1. 25

  2. 20

  3. 15

    0 vote(s)
  4. 10

  5. 5

  6. Kerbal Space Program FTW!

  1. aeonelite

    aeonelite New Member

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    Ok I have been playing for a while now and absolutely love the game, I actually just finished my first game crashing a moon into a planet. That said I have noticed a few things that I think need to be stated so as to be tracked for the future.

    1. Fab's on moons and other smaller bodies seem to "drift about" almost as if they are getting wind blown away from the construction site. This also causes them to stop constructing and can be annoying.
    2. Is 25 Halley's too many? I have messed with the weights and as long as the radius is low enough you can crash it, but it still requires 25 no matter what. There is a poll to see what everyone thinks.
    3. Cross system crashing? Haven't tried this but is it possible to take a moon from another planet and crash it into a different orbiting planet than the one it is orbiting?
    4. Performance issues above 3 planets. This is a given for the beta state of the game, I'm just wondering if this is a client or server side issue. I'm running a decent rig and will post DxDig if asked. I have been in a few game where it took forever for people to enter and sometimes they just never made it.
    5. Are asteroids going to be added or is the intention to downsize moons? If that were the case then there should be balancing as to the destructive nature of the impact caused. That said, didn't realize that it wiped the whole planet out. It was amazing but then the game took me to the victory screen.
    6. Implementation of the "Click to Continue" button like was in SupCom that allowed you to see everything on the map and really take in the destruction that had just occurred.

    Sorry for such a long post, I've been lurking for a while and finally felt it time to partake in making this game something amazing.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Then post DxDiag. Unfortunately there is too many people who think about their 4-years old hardware as about "decent rig".

    Also if possible explain what you mean as "performance issues": is it long loading time? Is it low FPS (check using CTRL+P)? Is it some choppy frames? Freezes?
  3. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    3 for asteroids, 5 for small moon 6/7 for large then 10-25 for planets depending on size
  4. aeonelite

    aeonelite New Member

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    SXX: I completely understand what you mean, I have read those posts my self.

    The Performance issues are more like this: Long Loading time for all players on the map. FPS high then degrades as the sim continues on. Though the server side shows a healthy 30fps, my client side dips to the 10's as does everyone else in game. Lucky to haven't had a freeze yet or anything like that. The game is running off of an ssd if that makes any difference. I personally suspect my Video Card to be of an issue and am looking to get an 7870 or 7970 when I can afford it. This is a custom built rig so I can do as I please, just really want to know what that would be for this game.

    Murcanic: your referring to Halley's I'm assuming, I guess we almost need a degree in rocket science to figure out what is reasonable vs. what is doable in game with the system properties that are given. Maybe if the Halley's were just overall bigger those number would make a lot more sense.

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  5. GoodOak

    GoodOak Active Member

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    Try manually typing in something like 150 for the moon radius. I don't know what the limits are at the moment, but that will only require 3 engines.
  6. GoodOak

    GoodOak Active Member

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    Also, the large number of engines makes enough sense for a big moon or planet. The large cost in moving something big can be balanced by the large amount of damage it can cause. If you just need to kill a base, use a little asteroid and 3 halleys. If you want to smash the entire planet that the base is on, use 25 on a big moon. I'm sure the default system setups will improve as game performance is ironed out to more easily allow this kind of stuff.
  7. aeonelite

    aeonelite New Member

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    Thanks for the heads up, I just tried that and it made a huge difference, problem is that it did it for both of the moons... That may just be a bug because the other moon was still 300ish on the radius.
  8. aeonelite

    aeonelite New Member

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    What kind of rig do the dev's envision this game being ran on as of retail? I'm all for creating a beastly rig if need be, this game is by far worth it.
    lrogueshadow likes this.
  9. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    Generally I set up 100-300 size moons for smashing. They make more sense as astroids and are still bloody huge for an object that is smacking into a planet. These will require 3-5 halleys.
    25 is for well...moons. Nobody said "I'll bring you the moon" to make it sound easy....nor threatening..but ahem back on topic, try those smaller values. I tried size 50 for a more realistic size but it looked awful.
  10. alonminatti

    alonminatti New Member

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    HUH? it never shows me how many halleys i need to crash a planet? Maybe it's radius or mass? I'm also pretty new here as well and have a bit o experience crashing celestial bodies :cool:
  11. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Comments by Neutrino lead me to believe that you'll only be boosting asteroids(maybe moons?) around, not proper "planets" as it were

  12. alonminatti

    alonminatti New Member

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    hey, i figured it out, in system manager, E controls how many engines required to boost the planet into another

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