A few simple ideas

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Ramsis, September 29, 2013.


How are these ideas?

  1. Pretty good, I'd like to see one or most of these!

  2. Not bad but could be better.

  3. Meh.

  4. You should probably jump off that bridge.

  1. Ramsis

    Ramsis New Member

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    Hello friends! It's not often you get to catch a great game in the works so early and I had some ideas hailing from the more experimental RTS end of the world! Mind you I mod games like mad and have been a part of a few really good mod teams in the past so in the event that something isn't added naturally, well I'll do my best to go through the list myself so the devs don't have to worry!

    1: An encyclopedia of units, complete with the basics (name,"size", requirements, etc) on top of a rough biography of the unit if a more detailed lore gets thrown in and it's details such as ROF, DPS, etc. Would also be wonderful to see a model of it either next to the entry or as a button to see it up close, spin/flip it, look at detail, whole nine yards!

    2: Customization! On what scale can be left up to the devs but who doesn't want to paint little flames on the side of their tank and then give it a machine gun(just a thought) for a more fortified gunning experience? Campaign with units you can customize then cookie cutter would probably be the most exciting RTS experience I have ever had. Maybe a "storage bank" could be used so you can keep the different units for later and play around with different scenarios. Due to it being more or less a finalized cosmetic addition I'm sure the Devs wouldn't care but I'd probably mod in a lineage system so you can see where a unit started from up to it's most recent variation. "Here is the SCOUT ML 1, now here is the ML 2 with a new tread based system and an after burner! Here is the ML 3 with..." etc.

    3: Workshop Support: I believe it's already planned, can't remember.

    Just a few simple things that will just add a slight wow factor for the more detail loving playerbase and a vast amount of replay-ability for those of us that love to tinker in our RTS games. I'd say we should be able to design our commanders but then nobody would preorder :(
  2. Methlodis

    Methlodis Active Member

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    Hey and welcome to the beta,

    1) That would probably be done by a clan or dedicated member on a wiki page. And because of extreme balancing changes in alpha/beta testing, it wouldn't be until several stable releases post launch. But if the devs did add it as a reference directly ingame with non-spoiler lore, I'd be all for that. And it would be a great tool for new players, especially if it included unit stats, abilities, and the 3d window you talked about.

    2) I do not want to see anything of the sort until post launch or a modder develops it. Taking away development time to do a purely aesthetic feature is the wrong move. I like the idea, but as a secondary edition to the game as part of a post release update or expansion.

    3) With the amount of work making the engine and game moddable I wouldn't doubt it. Probably would be good feature to have advertised for steam edition of the game. Players love to have these mod installations streamlined. Would also like to see it for custom planets/systems.

    Your ideas are good, but rein them into gameplay for now since thats what devs are working on. Unit additions, rebalances, combat/strategy features, terrain planet generation, and UI are all really helpful to them. And reporting bugs, crashes, and performance in the bug tracker helps too.

    And again thanks for contributing, welcome to the beta.
  3. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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  4. Methlodis

    Methlodis Active Member

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    I didn't even know about this myself. Thanks for the reply. Any chance this will be migrated in game?
  5. Ramsis

    Ramsis New Member

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    Thanks Raevn!
  6. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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