I suppported PA on kckstarter and have been waiting for the beta for ages, so when i finally got it i was really exited and started a custom game, joined it and pressed ready, someone else joined and we started the game. after about 4 minutes the planets loaded and we chose our starting points, then as soon as i zoomed in on tiny bit the game grinded to a halt and stopped responding and crashed. if anyone else has had this problem and has fixed it coud you please tell me, i really really want t play PA but i cant. also here's my dxdiag:
Outdated drivers is your problem: Code: Card name: Radeon (TM) HD 6470M Driver Date/Size: 7/25/2011 16:20:20, 796160 bytes Most likely you'll need to install generic drivers from AMD website: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/Pages/radeonmob_win7-64.aspx First try to download and run "AMD Mobility Radeon™ Driver Verification Tool". If it's give you drivers to install just use them. If it's say that your hardware isn't compatible you need do that: Backup important information from laptop. Download and install "Latest Beta Driver" from same page. Usually generic drivers don't cause any problems, but I'm recommend back backups anyway.