Before anyone says anything about searching... I did, but I didn't find anything. Now, on to the actual topic, in comparison how big is a commander to your average 6' human? Do we have any kind of scale? Has anything been said about this? It's not that important, I am just curious.
Roughly 9 meters tall or 5 feet tall.
What, it was a joke. Has anybody here played prison architect where you could build and then manage your own prison. It's a good game which is where I got the background for the avatar from. It's my PAs avatar.
Yeah, I've got Prison Architect. I really like Introversion's games, Darwinia is one of my most favourite ever (esp. on Christmas Day). The multiplayer version (Multiwinia) is an interesting minimalist spin on the RTS genre too (both are really cheap and on Steam). To the OP, the Commander towers over trees, so I reckon he's rather tall