Within the time to launch, lets face it we wont have an AI thats much different then what we see in typical RTSs. We might have a few config files to touch it up via mods after launch if we use a conventional model. Can there be a way to add hooks in the programming to have external input applied so the community can develop better AIs in a more radical and direct way? Lessons can be learned from TA, Custom AIs were limited by the variables that could be altered. Maybe a move away from this is possible? I think with multi world battles - if they are implemented, will be an extreme challenge for a single AI programmer. The door should be left as open as possible to alter and add to it. What do people think?
It would be nice if a version of the early temporary AI could be provided as a sample in the modding SDK so that aspiring AI modders could have a simple example to help them get started.
workerbee, you do realize development won't end at release right? Even then , we have Sorian and he knows what's what. Mike
I think that's a little insulting to Sorian, and the rest of the team. I would say Uber are on track to making a pretty cutting edge RTS game. Yes it has a much smaller budget than most videogames these days and they're working to a tight schedule, but Sorian has a great track record with AI, the alpha has progressed nicely and it is only going to get better in the beta, let alone by release. Plus, they have been building the whole game from scratch with moddability in mind, which is taking up valuable time. The AI might well be exposed for easy modding, but even if it isn't, I reckon it will be bloody good I totally get what you're saying, and agree - if at all possible, having the AI moddable/extendable would be great. But you're opening sentence is a bit harsh, imho!
While AI mod support might be interesting, the kind of person that can program an AI isn't going to care. They'll already know how to code lots of stuff regardless of the API. Case in point: Sorian modded AI for Supcom/FA, despite there being no support for it.
Its really value neutral, AI programming is still in its embryonic stage in regard to game open world problem solving. If we want a game where in 3 or 5 years time people are developing the AI still, it will require at this early stage programming in there to help that end as much as possible. I dont think many people realise the complexity of an ai solving intermediate problems. eg, Should I do a Naval or air or land or mixed strategy in early game? what direction should I weight my defensive structures towards? what is the economic/strategic value of the moon? How can I time a land and air assault to arrive at the same time? Where is a suitable staging area for units so my base isnt clogged up? Should I retreat? It is all extremely challenging.
Wait wait, let me guess; are you someone who 'knows a bit about AI'? As someone who got noticed in the industry because of his outstanding work, modding a game's AI without any official support whatsoever I think it's fair to say that Sorian is well aware of how crappy and restrictive such a position can be. He now, for the first time ever, has the opportunity to build the AI for a pretty significant RTS from the ground up. I think it's a little early to just assume that he's forgotten how he got started in this industry and that he's not going to put in the hooks needed for other programmers to alter his AI, especially since moddability is one of the key bullet-points for the Planetary Annihilation project as a whole. I just don't see Sorian as that much of a d*ck.
There's at least two parts to the AI: What to build & when, and how. The former looks to be controlled by the files in the Planetary Annihilation\PA\media\pa\ai folder (although only if changed on the server). Changing these looks to be pretty easy, and as TA has shown, tweaking these alone can often result in a phenomenal increase in potency (although with Sorian at the helm, it's probable it'll already be pretty optimal). It's the later part, the how that I believe you are concerned about - Where to build things, how to issue orders and determine strategies. That's server-side, which we don't have access to yet and can't see how it's set up.
Is that not the purview of actual intelligence? Something we as a species still have not figured out how to emulate beyond even the most basic level?