Orbital: The tech 3 layer

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by bobucles, September 10, 2013.

  1. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    asteroid engines and related stuff will be t2 orbital as there are only 2 tech levels for each type
    it might be aswell general t2 stuff for advanced contructors like t 2 air constructors though
    since it only would make sence to build them on asteroids you would need the related orbital units/buildings for it .. such as t 1 airfac - build t1 contructur - t2 airfac -t2 air con
    then orbital transport weither it is t2 or t1 well see but you get the idea in short the t2 aircon needs to get to the asteroid in order to build the asteroid engine.. i could imagine it like that

    however i don´t think it would be good to include more tech levels then that it might get too complicated ..
    Last edited: September 12, 2013
  2. japporo

    japporo Active Member

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    If you'll look at what you quoted, you'll see the word "option" in there.

    An option to have a minimum # of spawns per planet neatly reduces the scenario to a self-inflicted problem without having to adjust game balance. If you don't want to wait a long time to engage your opponent(s), choose that option.

    Beyond that, I really haven't seen any valid justification for early access to space beyond "I think it should be that way."
  3. l3tuce

    l3tuce Active Member

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    I like the idea of T1 orbital units replacing air on moons and other airless worlds (airplanes flying on moons looks silly) and T2 orbital units being satellites for larger planets. They wouldn't be T3 but they would be more on line with T2 and not avalable from the start.

    The idea of T2 is supposed to be that more options open up, not that things get bigger.
  4. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    the general scale is what gets bigger over time ... you start with tanks or bots on a planet, go to asteroids you fling towards a planet either as kinetic bomb or unitlauncher or both and may end up on a deathstar instagibing that planet entirely ...
    actualy yes t2 does bring big things ... nukes, unitcannons and asteroidengines are big units/buildings ... and those are things you might consider to use
  5. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    I think that the orbital launcher being T2 isn't bad per se. It's cost would probably have to come down to be more accessible, but i don't see why it's bad that you need a bit of a base (not talking about conquering a planet) before moving to interplanetary warfare.
  6. l3tuce

    l3tuce Active Member

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    I agree with the scale of the battle getting bigger, but I am disappointed that so many T2 units are just bigger versions of T1 units. It's not as bad now but before metal spots were implemented games always ended with mobs of Levelers, once you hit T2 there was no reason to build ants.
  7. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    you need a bit of a base anyway
    as i said before if you start on a different planet you need at least some ground troops you may want to tranport over to harrass your enemy as we don´t know if we can send airplanes over or if t1 orbital has ground attacking units ...

    ... alpha and balancing ... this should be rather temporary ...
    Last edited: September 12, 2013
  8. carnilion

    carnilion Member

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    ah you didnt get the point, i said "t3" witch means it costs more not it need some kind of t3 factory and t3 builders. think about it as the actual t1 orbital launcher can be build by t2 fabbers and has a cost greatly increased over the normal t2 factories in a way making it "t3" not actual t3. also for t1 orbital this price is ridiculus high and should be more like the t2 factories if we dont get it in t1.
  9. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    imo it should look like this
    t1 cons can build t1 orbital that focuses on expanding and scouting to other planets but is more expensive then a t1 shipyard .. as you want to expand and harass your enemy as soon as possible

    t2 cons on the other hand build t2 orbital that focuses on further fortifing the planet you are on with defensiv and offensiv weapons and is more expensive then a t2 shipyard ... does that sound legit?

    one thing i wonder orbital contructors operate in orbit so i assume a t1 orbital con can´t build a t2 orbital platform on a planet, no?
  10. carnilion

    carnilion Member

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    mostly making t1 oribtal some kind of "t1,5"? (and if you come again with "we don't have t1,5" then read my post above again to understand what i mean with it) - sounds good for me. just making shure orbital is more expansive in a way that it isn't to be the first factory witch is going to be build so there are no other logical choices ;)
  11. l3tuce

    l3tuce Active Member

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    Now that metal points are a thing, ants are useful as shields for levelers. It still would be nice if maybe Ants were faster or had a better tracking speed so Levelers would be more vulnerable to bots, but ants could protect them.
  12. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    It's not bad, but it doesn't need to be explicitly enforced. You need a bit of a base a few minutes into the game, or you die to (as Day[9] would put it) "any number of units at any time". Rushing tech from a T2 fabber is pretty much suicide, regardless of cost.
  13. carnilion

    carnilion Member

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    the problem with too fast possible orbital stuff (and especially with too fast possible migration to other planets) is that orbital becomes too less of a choice. i wanna be able to prevent someone from fleeing the planet he is on without having to rush him in the first 2-3 minutes (witch is mostly impossible on bigger planets even with air). if someone goes orbital too fast i want to have the option to crush him like someone who goes t2/adv too fast and so on. if orbital and especially the stuff needed to go to another planet is too cheap this takes out many strategical options from the game and heavily forces any player to build orbital as fast as possible to get to other planets too to spam eco/units there if he doesnt want to get overproduced in the first 10 minutes of the game witch means its decided in these first 10 minutes and not in x hours. let the ppl fight some time on their starting planet (and if you know you are alone there you can go orbital allways faster since you dont need to produce units at the start).
  14. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    A player who does not engage the enemy has no right to be telling him what he can and can't build. The proper way to narrow his options is by forcing his hand with an attack. Your army has to go out and tell him he can't do X or he'll straight up die.

    Players will fight on whatever planets they choose as long as it is lucrative to do so. It is NOT FUN to use absurd cost as a spiteful lockdown to say they can't. If you do not want to fight on other planets, then play a single planet map! In the mean time, don't make multi planet battles suck just because you want to toss another thousand tanks into the grinder.

    Reason #670 to use gravity-well energy: The opportunity cost of expansion is naturally higher, Commanders become more central to the process, and the metal cost can stay low.
    nanolathe likes this.
  15. carnilion

    carnilion Member

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    lol i'm sorry maybe i wrote so you missunderstod me completely or something.

    my point was that when you can go to other planet instantly/too fast there is by game mechanics NO WAY to prevent it. i said if this has to be done in the first 2-3 minutes it is IMPOSSIBLE on larger planets (only chance is size 1 or 2 planet and next to him directly), even with the fastest way possible to attack an enemy (air units). you cannot force someone with an attack if he is already finished before you are even able to build an army and send it to rush him.

    and i never said i dont want to fight on other planets, also i nowhere said that i want no multi planet battles. i just want the migration to other planets to be thought over carefully. something like going to t2/adv. if you do it too soon you get rushed by early engagement.

    if its possible to to it from start on you remove several tactics from the game and forcing players to certain actions like going to other planets asap, and thats no fun.

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