What i really miss when controling units is being able to just draw a line and that my units disitribute themselves over the line. Just like in zero-k. Way easier than having to tell them indivudually where to go. Line: - Unit: x So i draw this: ---------------------------------------------------------- Then my 10 units will distribute themselves over the line like this: x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x Ofc ingame it doesnt have to be a straight line but thats a bit hard to do on the forum XD. This makes it really easy to control your units at the frontline. Its also so simple anyone could understand and use it to great effect.
I hear you, I've been using vehicles and my tanks get strung out in a column and then get slaughtered. If they could form a wider line then they could have more units in range of towers and what not on an assault. Some way of creating a larger surface area for armies would really help out
I think you need to check this topic from GoogleFrog: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/ideas-from-zero-k.34222/
Yep that one explains it even better. That topic kinda got lost in the forum needs necro devs really have to see it.