I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but when at endgame, I'm not able to review my stats, i.e. energy used, energy wasted. When I've watched the PA Matches on Youtube, I'm almost positive that others have been able to review the endgame states. Also, I've had a few games where the ABC spawns are...well they're floating. Though it hasn't happened in a while, thought I'd check to see if others have had these problems.
As vorell255 says, there is no stats shown yet, but there is a mod which adds them in - was this what you saw? https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-pa-stats-52973.50690/
That looks like it could be it. Don't really recognize the top portion with the bar graph but the bottem is definitely familiar. It had to have been a mod. Thanks guys! Now about those floating spawns...
I think you mean PA stats. You can see the stats of anyone who has the mod. RE:Floating spawns if you rehost a map then you can have an additional ghost set of spawns from the previous game that float above the surface. Sometimes you can spawn in them, sometimes you can't.
That's what I'm assuming. The videos I were talking about were yours actually! You're one of my favorite moderators that I'v heard so far. Great work.