Droplet moon theory

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Kruptos, September 4, 2013.

  1. Kruptos

    Kruptos Active Member

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    So while I was surfing I came across a theory about how our moon may have been born:

    I find this to be quite fascinating and something for the devs to maybe take into consideration when the planet collisions begin to get implemented into PA.
    iron420 and zaphodx like this.
  2. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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  3. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    What the video didn't tell you was that it takes millions upon millions of years to form into something you could step onto. It's also completely missing the part where the moon coalesced from millions of tonnes of dust.

    Here's a cool National Geographic piece:

    I find this version to be far more credible than the 'liquid drop' theory, though it shares many of the same principles...

    Theia was the size of Mars though...
    Last edited: September 4, 2013
  4. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Impacts could turn the original planet into a smaller lava 1 and add a small lava moon. No time scales required.
  5. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    It's more than just a theory it's the n°1 hypothesis for the unfolding of our moon's creation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_impact_hypothesis#Evidence

    the video illustrates it badly though, the way scientists come down on an agreement is an perpendicular inpact almost at the horizon and on the solar system's axis of orbit which sent multitudes upon multitudes of wods of magma (and maybe parts of the meteor) into space which orbited earth while grouping into one body.

    couldn't find a vid extract showing it better than this. http://en.futuroscope.com/attractions-and-shows/spectacular/cosmic-collisions

    here's just about perfect :
    Last edited: September 4, 2013
  6. dusanak

    dusanak Member

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    I like the idea of creating a lava planet and a lava moon when two space object collide but it may be a bit hard to explain how did it happen so fast but I have got an idea how to explain it.Planetary Annihilation is essentialy about machines fighting each other on planets and using planets. But machines themself don't care about time we do. So purely theoretically, the battles we see could be happening on much bigger time scale and we just see them fast forwarded. This could be an explanation for such thing happening seemingly so fast. Sorry if it seems like off-topic, it just came out of my head when I read the idea.
  7. Kruptos

    Kruptos Active Member

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    Hmm, interesting. I'll have to watch that document later in the evening.

    As for if this got implemented into PA, I wouldn't want destroyed planets to form a new planet + moon that could be used, that would diminish the point of colliding them. Maybe 2 balls of magma that can't be stepped on? I'd be totally fine with the planets just blowing up too :D

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