A new command modifier, a key when held, causes commands placed to be placed at the front of the queue. For instance if the current queue is: - Queue is Move1 -> Move2 -> Move3 - Hold key, and place Attack1 + Attack2 - New Queue is Attack1 -> Attack2 -> Move1 -> Move2 -> Move3 - Release and hold key again, place Move4 - New Queue is Move4 -> Attack1 -> Attack2 -> Move1 -> Move2 -> Move3 An especially useful use case for this is when you have patrol routes which you want to divert units from immediately to repel an attack, but you don't want to cause them to lose their patrol route. SupCom handled this somewhat by allowing you to add Attack commands to the end of the patrol queue, and then units would eventually get around to the Attack command. With the above idea however, there is no delay. There are many other use cases for this: - Fabricator on patrol to heal and reclaim, however your commander nearby is taking damage, so you really want to divert the fabber immediately to heal - Fabricator has been given orders to build a base with defenses first to provide cover for the rest of the base building, however a bomber has flown over and weakened/destroyed the defences during building, so you want the fabber to immediately replace the lost defenses, but you don't want to lose the entire build queue. - Fabricator has been given build orders to build a string of metal extractors in fog of war, however upon revealing the metal spots, some are already occupied by enemy extractors. Instead of the fabber ignoring the occupied spots you can immediately order a reclaim/build, or capture command.
I can attest that this is very useful (there is a widget for Spring which does this so most of it's games have this feature).
Holding down the ctrl key does this, at least for factory queues. Haven't tried it with fabber build queues.