Pretty simple one line mod: shift queues up 100 instead of 5. Install with mod manager or add this to your mod list live_game scene: '../../mods/modbatch/live_game/modbatch.js',
Cola_colin official modder!!! Although i dont want all these mods taking him out of focus for the upcoming tournament. Thanks as always. Will look forward to using this when I get back
Cola, I've had a look at the js code for the build orders, and how the batchBuildSize variable that this mod modifies is used in the code... I think I just about understand it. What I am looking to do is make a mod that uses multipliers per key, whilst retaining functionality. For instance shift key = 10x alt key = 5x winkey (or whatever) = 2x Press all three and click to build = 100 units ordered or shift + alt + click = 50 units I think this would give you a little more flexibility for times when you just want, say, 20 advanced bombers or whatever. This is just one variation though, you could just have shift key for a 100 units, alt key for 50, and have them all user-configurable. Curious to see if anyone else would be interested in this
well you probably installed it wrong. What did you do to install it? Modmanager? Editing of the ui mod list?
I did all that but kit just doesnt work in my games...btw i commented/liked your 1a tourny video See -->
You have no ui_mod_list.js in there. That means you have not used the mod manager and you have also not created the file yourself.