I was playing this, and I was about to buy alchemy lab, and then my firefox crashed. Reopened, 0 cookies. Many tears were shed.
Almost as good as candybox, which is almost as good as idlequest. Still, damn you for giving me another time waster.
WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?! Jesus.. I hate you, Neopolitanfrenchfry. Serious Pavlovian response issues here.
So after two days I closed the tab. I was curious to see if I was still making cookies. Turns out I lost all progress from about this afternoon and there was the sign I needed to finally stop playing this game. It'd be funny to find out this traffic was used for something else. . .
I heard an article(?) on NPR that talked about the guy that made Cow Clicker. He essentially made it to make fun of Farmville and to show no one would want to play a game when he showed everyone all it really was. and then people did want to play it. a lot
There was an update today. Adding 72 achievements and a few more upgrades. You only need to click about 20 times. After that it's all auto based on your upgrades. [Edit] 80,277,105,622.9 cookies per second.
Just refreshed, went from 8 million cookies to 39 million per second due to extra upgrades and achievements