Annihilation. Not Planetary. Better.

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by smoketh, August 27, 2013.

  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    this is my gripe here. Waaaay too many gramps-don't-changem'
  2. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    Nostalgia goggles. feels wrong because map isn't flat with 'pseudo' 3d heights and gui isn't as clunky as in original + speed is 10x of origial 1 speed. It called evolution.
  3. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    But if you guys are looking for great RTS games, have y'all tried Warzone 2100?

    This game in my opinion is what needs to become the future of classic RTS games, elegantly combining many of the mechanics that makes us nostalgic for base building, researching RTS games.

    And go's great along side Spring as one of the premier macro scale RTS games.
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Sure this is subjective. I don't attack people for liking Spring. It's an awesome project, it just happens to somehow miss what I expect of a good UI. Also I have no problem with open source projects, they're awesome. But open source projects certainly also have disadvantages and they happen to be especially bad in the context of multiplayer computer games.
  5. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  6. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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  7. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Well, it's not even that. Spring feels like a MASSIVE CLUSTERFUCK compared to TA. The GUI is laden with frivolous options and toggle switches, there are a lot of repetitive units, and a lot of the dichotomy that existed between CORE and ARM was taken away (both armies now have Resurrection Bots for example).

    Also, why are you pushing so hard for TA: Spring on the PA Forums? We're happy with what we have now. Guessing by that you're new here and all your posts are in General Discussion, you either haven't backed the game or you have and you're fed up waiting for it to come out, so you looked for alternative and found Spring. Now you've seen gameplay videos of PA and noticed it isn't going to be TA 2.0 + some cool stuff stapled on, so you're unhappy with it and would prefer to get some people on the PA band wagon to play with you, because you think they're in the same mindset.

    Am I correct?
  8. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    Let me tell you something about warzone 2100. It is terrible example of MP rts. Balance - out of friggin window in multiplayer.
    So okay - in SP you have giant tech tree which you develop through campaign - fancy and interesting:

    But in mp - guess what - SAME tech tree each match. And there is no balance for it - no ability to rush, yet much of ability to under-construct and send unprotected party to die under enemy wall which they will not kill untill you have mortars. I'm not talking about nerdlingers who bring t21 (lazor miniguns) in first 10 minutes of game completely ruining it for newcomers.
    Oh by the by - you cannot lookup tech tree in mp Civilization-style. So unless your memory is perfect you have no idea what to develop.
  9. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Yeah, you know, differences and improvements, like good sequels tend to have. Fluff doesn't come into it. It still has TA's soul, like Crysis had Far Cry's soul, or Arma had Operation Flashpoint's soul. Therefore I consider it TA 2.0, which is the biggest praise I could personally give a game. Don't get me wrong, I know PA is technically its own thing, and I'm not expecting everything to be the same, but it's definitely a spiritual sequel, pushing the boundaries of RTS design and tech in the same way TA did in 1797 AD when it was subsequently presented to William Wilberforce as a wedding present.

    I can't consider spring to be TA 2.0 because all it is, is TA re-created with all the original features, plus some extra ones which hadn't really been developed at the time but make perfect sense now. You don't get to be 2.0 by doing the same thing. It's still a very impressive OS project and afaik probably the flagship OS games project.

    Obviously this isn't an academic discussion, this is just personal taste, version numbers can mean whatever the software developer means them to outside of generally accepted uses, and I'm just using "2.0" in the popular vein also used in "web 2.0" and etc.

    Man, wz2100, there's a game that needs a modern remake with moar physics. Maybe the Bullet engine? And a unit creator like KSP....
  10. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    1. drop this pissy attitude, take a deep breath and drink cup of your favorite soft drink.
    2. Nope nope and nope. I were playing springrts since 2007, back when supcom 2 was new and shitty in all its shitty glory. I didn't backed PA yet because i simply don't have 70$ spare dollars to spare on unfinished product. I have experience of backing alphas and it is a rollercoaster.
  11. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    He never said anything about Warzone 2100 being an MP game. Even the community knows it's pretty bad at multiplayer, it's primarily a single player game.

    Edit: So why are you spitting fire about this? Your first 10 posts are defending yourself as you assert TA:Spring as (for what we can perceive) the best RTS since TA itself. You aren't letting anyone else state their opinions, replacing it with your own and a red stamp saying "Nope, you're wrong, let me fix that."
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I disagree on the premise that playing with friends is always better then with ransoms on the internet.

    Just like with every game.
    arseface likes this.
  13. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    5,385 apparently isn't much of a multiplayer
  14. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    I'm not saying they are wrong. I am saying they are subjective. Know the difference.
  15. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    That's the point of an opinion. To be subjective. Objectively Spring is a good engine with good modifications. There, end of discussion.
  16. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Oh and @cola_colin I really don't get why my Galactic War thread got moved and this one is doing just fine.
  17. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    Good. Now you can close this browser tab and stop being so pissy. ;)
  18. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    Well, maybe because it is a quality thread with multiple links and description of mods. Although i admit amount of frustrated piss here enhances.
  19. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Annihilation. Not Planetary. Better.

    This is the reason I am, as you say, "pissy". Call it misconception on my part, or misleading on your part. I'd call it a bit of both.
  20. smoketh

    smoketh Member

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    I'm gonna put it that way - for 70~ $ you get one game. But for free you get more than 6 all different more or less and they aren't that bad, but combined better in amounts of joy. Better bargain.

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